How do you think they are going to do Legion Remix?

With the Legion Remix all but confirmed, how do you think they are going to pull it off this time and do you think they are going to make improvements to it?

Do you think its going to be artifact weapons instead of cloaks?

How will they approach all the class hall content (armor, weapon skins, mounts, etc.)?

What do you think they will improve from MoP remix?

Are you looking forward to it?


They need to make it clear their stance on outdoor farming, whether or not they’re okay with groups spawn camping mobs.

MoP remix was great, but it will always be tainted because of the frogging fiasco that should’ve been handled before the event went live.


Gunna be cosmetic necklace

Open up the orderhalls to any class that can equip one or more of that classes artifact weapon types.

Let’s get nuts.


Hopefully more recolors for artifact skins. Would like to see new skin models but that’s cope.


The weapons definitely have my curiosity.

Beyond that i’m wondering how theyre gonna handle mission tables (especially the timegating)


Demon Hunters for more races mayhaps?


I truly don’t know the answers to any of this, and I haven’t really considered it, but as a player who missed Legion when it was current:

YES! So much. I cannot WAIT.

So which exploits will they forget to fix before live?

Maybe expand on the lore connection, mop was influenced by the bronze and infinite… for reasons. You could speculate fear over the fate of the heart of ysaarj and it was the bronzes way of reinforcing the timeline so that if xalatath went back in time to recover the heart, there were heroes who were enhanced ready to stop her.

For legion? Make the entire event a light/void theme. Have the light side pursuing artifacts, attempting to recover their power, have the void side maintaining fate, ensuring sargeras stabs azeroth. So basically raids would give void themed cosmetic versions of artifacts and the open world content would be light themed. I think reimplementing mage tower would be a big attraction for the original cosmetics.

Or just make it another Chromie “here we go again”

If they do go with legion watching what they do with artifacts will be interesting to see. Will they make a new artifact or recolor for each class? Will they add a tint to an existing artifact?

Will they allow mage tower with the insane scaling?

Hopefully both, I always felt like 4 tints per skin was too limited. I would also love to see another rapier style skin for Outlaw as well. Fencer’s Reach is very cool but the size is a bit silly.

My assumption is zone questing only, giving us a weapon instead of a cloak and probably no class hall interaction. Evokers don’t have one, so they can’t do class halls.

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how is that all but confirmed? Enlighten me.


Legion green tint on the end of the roadmap before Midnight

Weapons would be nice to do, just for the talent tree’s that accompanied them.

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I have my favorites as well… I am just curious how it will work. Will they be class bound or will the new achievement share across all characters? Artifacts are still one of the few unlocks that are nearly entirely character bound minus a select few achievements,

How is what all but confirmed? Legion Remix? This is what we’ve got:

At the 19-minute mark during the interview, they asked him about the potential of a future Remix of the Legion expansion. “I mean, anything’s possible,” Hazzikostas says in response. “There’s some fel-green tinge towards the right end of the roadmap, if you take a look at the banner there. Who knows what that could mean?”

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I hope they make the class hall titles account wide -_-

oh, please. I take whatever that guy says with a grain of salt. You should know better. Anything is possible? That’s it right there. That guy needs to go. He’s messed this game up so badly, who cares what he say. Sorry, not buying what you’re selling.