How do you think they are going to do Legion Remix?


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Cloaks was a MoP thing and weapons is a Legion thing.

So yes, weapons.


Pretty sure Ion all but confirmed it. During his interview with T&E, they asked him about Legion Remix, and Ion said “What do you think that Fel Green bit at the end of the road map is?”


Dude, calm the heck down. I gave you information from an interview to do with as you please. I’m not trying to convince anyone of anything. Here’s the roadmap, here’s the interview. Like it, don’t like it, agree with it, don’t agree with it, I don’t much care.



Come again?

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Just lemme catch my breath first


Probably how they’ve done everything else in the last five plus years. Poorly, while ignoring helpful player feedback, releasing a broken patch that needs repatching about 20 times to fix half of what’s wrong. Why do you ask?


Hehe hehe

I’m looking forward to whatever expansion is getting remixed.

If it’s legion, I hope we get a lot of recolored mounts, mog.

I hope that we get to interact with our artifact weapons in some way.

If mage tower comes back, I’ll give that a whirl. IMO, they won’t touch mage tower with a 50 ft pole because it’s such a volatile topic.

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Monk definitely needs some imo, they got the short end of the stick. Wouldn’t say no to more recolors for Rogue tho. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

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As Grandma Syvia who spent 800 to 900 runs to finally get both the feral & guardian OG Mage Tower skins (finally, finally got the RBG tints last night after 8 or 9 years of wanting them), I so hope they release these OG skins & tints for everyone. Druids have nothing like them, and many people were not able to play during Legion.


Varian lives.

I don’t think the gaining power item will be the weapons because that means they have to code all the different weapons. At most it will be a gem for the weapon. Most likely will be Cloak, Neck, Ring, or Trinket as those slots are universal for every class.

so where exactly has it been confirmed?

sounds more like hes being coy and evasive.

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Would love to see them bring back the og Mage Tower rewards.

Missed opportunity in Panda Remix to bring back the Challenge sets.


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I am hoping for them to do some classless/armorless sets like they did with the shaman set from SOO where the original was shaman-only.

People might get upset, but I hope the shoulders from emerald nightmare from the last boss get a few tints any class can wear.

What I so wished for in Pandaria was the original phoenix? mounts. The new remix one is nice, but I just loved the 3 originals. I was just not of a calibre to meet those requirements at the time.

And I agree 1000% to giving the OG Mage Tower skins :slight_smile:

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That joke would work if I had said that aloud and not on an online forum where the spelling of the word is clearly visible.


Neither were the people who afk’d at the entrance of dungeons for challenge sets, but here we are.


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