How do you think people felt with Corrupted Ashbringer

Maybe it’s because of FOMO buildup over time :open_mouth:

Maybe you won’t say anything the first time you’re abused, maybe you will the second time, maybe the 5th maybe the 10th :man_shrugging:

Three. One of them went venthyr boomy

I wouldn’t care.

Give me that all class piece of lore baby.


The corrupted Ashbringer of old, and the Corrupted ashbringer skin from Legion are very visually distinct.

I saw a corrupted Ashbringer mogged a while ago and stopped to take a second look because it was cool to see something so rare. I didn’t piss and moan because I can’t go get my own.

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It literally did not affect them.

They look nothing alike.

Just like the werebear, the original is VERY MUCH DISTINGUISHABLE from the new one.


See… Again… Point is lost on you.
I was referring to the attitude in which people are trying to connect self worth to something, especially that which is in game. It’s stroking your ego.

If I had one of those expensive cards, and they re-released it… I still have code-wise, a desirable one. It’s kinda similar if we go into this kinda topic, AOTC week 1 and getting it before next raid whilst going into a pug that is snobbish about it.

Ultimately it doesn’t matter because it is not handed to you, you still have the original reward… Blizz ain’t introducing it back and the fel bear has enough variance for other complaints to make it idiotic.

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The Flail and shield fits perfect my favorite Mog and would make my try tanking for the first time, i also would want to get the Apocalypse and try a DK.

Basically it would make people play the game more, i don’t know why this is a bad thing.

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Probably felt a little bummed but since the skin of the actual corrupted Ashbringer remains unobtainable I bet that makes them feel way better. If they actually let Paladins get the same skin as the OG Corrupted Ashbringer, I’m sure they would be unhappy about it.

nope bad post

none of the skins at all look like the corrupted ashbringer
and on top of that so few players have it that there’s be almost nobody to complain

if like a total of 8 active players had the wod cm weapon and they gave out similar models with different skins
i don’t think any of them would complain
because that doesn’t matter

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none of the skins at all look like the corrupted ashbringer
and on top of that so few players have it that there’s be almost nobody to complain
if like a total of 8 active players had the wod cm weapon and they gave out similar models with different skins
i don’t think any of them would complain
because that doesn’t matter

So their feelings don’t matter because there’s less of them but yours do?

nope bad reply

no the point was that you didn’t see “outrage” for 2 reasons
1 the reskin was COMPLETELY different like entirely different so you’re fried for even bringing it up

2 corrupted ashbringer is so rare that there’s not enough people to stoke outrage so it’s a horrible example

You can’t please everyone, so you should focus on satisfying the most customers possible, and attracting new customers.

Catering to a noisy fringe minority is how we end up with females becoming fruit.

I will be kicking or removing any bears from my groups. Just get revenge that way on these new ones.

Nah, there were posts here complaining even though this version of the werebear was different.


From what I saw, people were mad that every Paladin got to hold an Ashbringer. It was about lore, not FOMO.

They didn’t listen to anyone on that. No one complained. They did that all on their own. They’ve been scrubbing the game of things certain devs created that were accused in the lawsuit.

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Is that wrong? If people pour a lot of effort and time into WoW in the attempt to feel good about the results and themselves, who are we to judge that?

I think ping pong would be a stupid thing to obsess over, yet there are gold medal Olympic athletes who dedicated their entire lives to being stupid-good at what I think is a silly sport.

Sure it is easy to say “Just a game lol go outside and learn a skill.” but there is no such thing as a universally accepted admirable hobby. They are all stupid to someone, but we all take pride in our own interests. It’s completely unfair to sit there and judge what is important to someone else.

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Paladins don’t have feelings.

FOMO is Cancer and should be looked down upon as the most disgusting business practice in gaming, and boycotted whenever it appears.

If they’re going to bring the Mage Tower Back, and it’s going to be as comparatively difficult as it was originally. Then let people earn the skins.

I say this as someone who has the Paladin Flail, which was arguably one of the more difficult skins to acquire.

If people are willing to put in the time to complete the content, they should get the reward, and FOMO as a concept should die in a fire, and any Dev who believes FOMO content is good should not be allowed to make decisions for a game.


I’m not sure it’s really about respecting the player’s time and effort invested because when have they ever cared about that?!

They probably didn’t want to have to recolor all those weapons, so just said “eff it, give them tier 6 again, they like that and it’s less work”. Oh, and guardian druids are cool, feral druids don’t exist.