How do you think people felt with Corrupted Ashbringer

The people who earned the Corrupted Ashbringer from way back when, how do you think they felt when they gave the Ashbringer to literally every new paladin, and a corrupted skin option on top of it too.

Think about it for a second, how did they feel? Do you remember the forums then? Oh wait, nobody complained. Because it didn’t matter that someone else got to enjoy something they’ve already had for years and years.

I don’t remember the pro-FOMO crowd defending them when that happened, it’s only now that you all have them that you defend FOMO. Hypocritical.

Can’t wait to run around as a werebear that looks even better than the original one, lol.


I think I heard more complaints from people that had it but sold it when 'mogging came out than I did from people that still had it when Legion hit.


The artifact weapon ? It’s not the same. I think it was a win for everyone. Keeping the old exclusive and bringing a new version. Just like the fel bear.


exclusivity is just a way to keep you subbed forever to protect your precious collectables, makes you afraid to try a new game because of fear of not being special.

its not for the fans its for the stockholders that profit from gambling addiction.

stop justifying a company actions that are there to spite you the player.l


I don’t recall any complaints.

The new were-bear may actually get me back into tanking, but I am a little sad that feral get zero rewards from the new MT that they can actually use in combat.


The new were-bear may actually get me back into tanking, but I am a little sad that feral get zero rewards from the new MT that they can actually use in combat.

I hope they don’t shaft feral again like they always do. This is going to be very frustrating to feral mains, all 4 of them.


That sword is mad ugly, but it is distinct, so I imagine on one hand they felt relief that it was no longer a status symbol, so they wouldn’t need to mog it anymore. On the other hand, I don’t know, I suppose some people continued to use it and not care at all.

I mean my DnD group has a long-standing campaign where we keep our characters and it’s been aaages since we started, 7 or 8 years, and… we’ve eliminated certain things from the game that some people have but newer players wouldn’t get to have.

I realize it’s not quite the same, but people are too quick to conflate limited time rewards with “evil corporate desires.” Sometimes it can really be for the players in the sense that it’s a reward for doing something when it was relevant, and not minimizing that later on.

FOMO is a hot word these days but it’s overplayed in how deleterious it is. The real problem, I think, in games like WoW and other MMO’s and such, is that people just don’t like feeling like they can’t do something. It’s not that the design is inherently bad at all levels, it’s just that… well… some people are whiny little buggers.


well in dnd all you need is a player to roll an artificer to make any item and bam you can craft anything.

this is more like telling a player that they cant use a piece of art for their character because they are not allowed to have the black robes, or golden light, or only one asamar get to have a glowing crown.

its about killing character fantasy, not player power. aka a great way to have your table to tell you off and move on.

Yeah it’s childish, feel like I’m back in elementary or something ''oooo I have the shiny pokemon card, and you don’t, nah na nu na naa!"


Did people just forget the forums during Legion when people complained that everyone having the Ashbringer reduced its lore impactfulness and legendary status? Because there was threads of people complaining about seeing it too much and it running Paladin lore.

It died quickly.

It died quickly because people realized they moved on and Blizz wasnt literally going to change the weapon in 7.0.

But it was the complaint of the week back then at one point in time.

in my case it was the teacher doing this to us after they banned pokemon cards at my elementary, and we got caught trading so she took them away. had to confess to my mom and get her to write a note so i could get them back…

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Hope that teacher and school all had salt in their coffee :sob:


The corrupted ashbringer from classic has a very distinct look that’s still easily recognizable when compared to the Legion counterparts, I think that’s why nobody cared primarily. People just don’t want others to have the same exact variant of something they worked hard for when it was current, but different versions is fine.

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im just wondering were my werewolf is btw blizz i didnt forget about that lil speed reduction you threw on my wolf either so we would be slower than druids i smell favoritism or is it racism blizz?

For me, it doesn’t bother me when others have the same things I have in games. For a lot of other people, though, it’s apparent that they base their worth on having things other people don’t. Whether that’s a bad thing or not, I’ll leave up to each individual to decide.


The new Corrupted Ashbringer only vaguely resemble the old vanilla one from Naxx. That’s why no one complained about it.

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Some cards are worth hundred of thousands. You would think some people would be pissed if the company decided to re-release old cards making the rare ones worthless.

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