How do you stay positive?

I don’t do Mythic + I guess that helps me stay positive lol…but I also took a month or so break and came back a few weeks ago and I’m working on flight (should be another 6 days) and finally got my cloak to rank 15 and just did 2 mask full clear in SW, kinda easy tbh.

Basically I just take it easy and work on a select number of things at a time and can always blow off steam and goof around in Elwynn if I need to.

To stay positive - repeat this to yourself as you play:

“It’s only a game”

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I watch south park… alot

In all honesty though thats progression. I would recommend making a few friends to consistently run mythic plus with. It goes a long way

Get to know people by going out more often on dungeons and raids. You’ll spot good players. Make friends with those pulls big numbers at their current ilvl and doesnt step on fire.

Only talk about facts instead of insult others or saying player’s name doing something wrong. That’s how I stay positive.

Constantly stepping on fire kills my mana! (Did not say the player’s name)
“Ability name” kills

If you are really pissed, take a break from playing a game and go somewhere outside. Calm yourself down. My expectation from pug is never above average when it comes to quality. Lower expectation means less chance you will get angry.

I depleted more keys this weekend that I timed.

how did I stay positive?

uhh… keys deplete, some weeks more than others, and it’s not really a big deal. Anyone who claims they time every key they do is lying. And, that said, approach it as: A failed run is an opportunity for learning.

If you’re depleting keys because someone is playing poorly, or can’t do enough damage or whatever… that’s frustrating yes, but perhaps the takeaway from that is the person isn’t ready for that level of key.

If you’re missing timers by a few seconds or a minute, take that as an opportunity to think about what you could have done differently to shave some time off the key. Could the tank have pulled bigger? Maybe there were some groups that could be combined. Did the DPS bolster too many mobs, were dispells missed causing deaths, etc. Approach it as learning, not as blaming, and everyone will be better off for it.

My healer and I do this quite frequently after a key, we talk about mistakes we both made, things like “man, I went into that pull without any defensives up” or “yea I should have had X on you” or “you LOS me at this point”, etc.

I think also this is where the whole “m+ is better with friends” comes into play. When you have an entire (of most of) a group learning from failed keys, then the group as whole is in a stronger position for the next one. Similar to group learning that goes on in raiding.

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LFR and random dungeons are designed for pugs. Raids and m+ are not. It’s just that simple. However the key thing to understand here is that because it wasn’t designed for it doesn’t stop people from STILL doing pugs. You have plenty of pugs doing some of the bosses in mythic raiding. You have pugs doing 20+ keys.

You just need to be mindful of the people you let join your group when you pug. The io will just show you experience it won’t tell you what kind of a person you’re dealing with.

by not playing WoW :slightly_smiling_face: