How do you solo Viscidus now a days?

If you’re interested in doing Viscidus, please write an in game email to Mabyn, Wyrmrest Accord.

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Frost damage for the mechanic isn’t hard to get, there’s a bow, axe, and polearm you can get that have on hit frost damage from warsmith sigfinna in northrend for dirt cheap. Or if you’re a caster you can get one of the many frost damage wands in the game.

More to the point tho, Viscidus isn’t required to do AQ40. He’s an optional boss with an optional reward. Blizzard already reduced the shatter requirement for soloists so they’ve done enough imo, if you want to solo it bad enough you’ll overcome the hurdle and do so.

need frost dmg, just use “Phial of Glacial Fury”

or if u dont wanna spend the gold on a phial once a week every time you want to clear aq 40, get a cheap green sword on the auction house and put the 'Frozen Writ" enchant on it

Frost damage isn’t the problem for me right now - I have the Brunnhildar Harpoon with I think Elemental Force on it (which was probably overkill, probably either that weapon or the enchant alone would do it). I used to solo him all the time.

Currently the problem is that I can’t hit him enough times while he’s frozen. According to Wowhead, you have to do 30 hits in 30 seconds (you don’t have to hit him hard, 1 damage is enough). The fastest weapon I’ve found is 1.6, which will not do it alone. I used Barov Servant Caller and a haste potion and it’s still not enough. I don’t know what changed since I used to do it. Maybe I had more haste than currently? Oh, most recent comments on Wowhead say that trinkets like that don’t work any more - the summoned helpers all miss. Gonna try some other stuff mentioned on Wowhead, but yeah, freezing him is the easy part right now.


So you are saying to erase all mechanics on old content do you can go in and one shot it despite being given perfectly reasonable methods of dealing with a boss that people have been soloing for 10+ years.

C’mon. Really?

Phial of Glacial Fury

Biggest problem for Paladins now is that most of our attacks are now holy and not physical, so breaking him once frozen is not going to be easy.


Can’t you just take a talent that turns things into Holystrike damage so they will do Holy+Physical?

You can, but it doesn’t seem to be working on the boss. Probably because it doesn’t have any specific resistances to holy, so it just does holy damage instead of converting it to physical. That’s what it looked like to me when I tested it earlier today, at least.

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It’s not the frost damage that’s the problem, it’s hitting him 50 times in 30 seconds to shatter him afterwards. Sadly there aren’t many good options for this other than old trinkets like Barov Peasant Caller that you’ve likely long since vendored. Paladins can’t equip the Blademaster trinket from HFC, for example.


It isnt hard or time consuming if you have it already sure.

But why do we need to go out of our way for a vanilla mechanic?


Chaos damage is all schools of magic, and always has been.

If that is now true, then Viscidus IS impossible to solo, for casters. My evoker can freeze it just fine, but no shatter even with a fast dagger and the haste spell cast. Will still be trying various melee trinkets in hopes that claim is wrong.

You need to deal Frost damage to him I think five times within a relatively short amount of time. When I had my Death Knight he could do it but this Warrior sure can’t.

i solo him on my shaman with frost shock spams, frost dk and frost mage. the enchant as others suggested dont work well. it can but you need attack speed through the roof otherwise you will never make it to phase 2 let alone 3 of slowing. p1 of slow takes 10 frost attacks, p2 is 15 frost attacks and p3 is 20 frost attacks, then you can shatter him and kill him.

For anyone wanting to solo this on a warlock (void minion), i just completed it today using recommendations in this thread.

Heirloom -balanced heartseeker -dagger enchanted with elemental force.

Took about 1 minute to freeze then he just fell over.