How do you solo Viscidus now a days?

Please show me where the OP is at all upset by anything. They literally came here asking questions about what will work.

Because you were.

More unnecessary hostility.

I’m not upset. Calling your behavior isn’t being upset.

Literally nowhere did the OP complain about this. They asked for help. Maybe read better.


i’m sorry you have no friends.

Ime the issue with Viscidus is speed. I’ve done it on a frost mage with time warp, so maybe using lust drums would work?


Yep, and it was less annoying as a paladin before they normalized weapon speed during legion (7.3 I believe?), since you could use tf or other quick 1h weapons to get the job done.

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Low level weapons + low level frost enchant. Then sacrifice a goat to Odin.

Nope. That outdated, almost 20 year old content happens to have the exact sort of gimmick you’d expect from outdated, almost 20 year old content: being literally unkillable if you can’t inflict frost damage.

Wait until you find out about Patchwerk’s highly complicated mechanic of “keep tanks alive.” Peak 2004-2006 boss design.

Freezing him isn’t the problem for my paladin, it’s inflicting the number of necessary hits to shatter him and get the loot. You used to be able to do this with that lumberjack relic, but I guess it got nerfed somewhere along the line because that doesn’t work anymore, and is now impossible to solo.

Very disappointing and obnoxious

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I’m thinking that is how I did it too on a rogue back in ‘the day’.

Go to Lun Lai summit. There is a rare. He drops “crate of kidnapped puppies” or something like that. Its a trinket. When V freezes, pop the trinket and cool downs for the attacks.

This is what I did on my prot pally

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For anyone doing old content as a Warlock:
I just switched to Destruction, kept hitting him with chaos bolt until he froze, then used a dagger along with succubus to melee until dead. (It was literally the Simple Dagger I bought off of the Traveler’s Tundra Mount vendor.)

Yes, it that considered reasonable? Some may argue yes. I would argue no.

The mechanic is not necessary in today’s retail wow.


well that whole needing a spam of frost damage in order to kill is sure keeping his market value high on the battle pet lol.

frost mage
frost dk

all 3 does the trick.

it’s a legit solution lol. you’ve got to be trolling.

For everyone to know:

I was able to do Viscidus today with my shaman, but only after switching over to enhancement. Normally, I play resto and enhancement.

I tried the same boss with my rogue and the toy ‘Endothermic Blaster’, but failed miserably because that toy did not do a single point of damage.

In my opinion, anything other than shaman, frost DK or maybe frost mage will fail. Currently, I can not prove this.

I believe I used Elemental Force enchant as a Paladin, but that was yeeeears ago. If I recall, you gotta kill him asap once he freezes.

Um, how long has Chaos Bolt been a Frost spell? Honest question. Because I was never able to freeze him on this character and wound up giving up entirely on farming him until I got my mage leveled.

I solo Viscidus by not fighting Viscidus!

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Last time, which was quite some time ago, I tried on my frost DK, I couldn’t do it and gave up. 99% sure it’s user error though. To this day I have never killed Viscidus. Although I might go try later. :dracthyr_comfy_sip:

When looking back, I never tried any other class than shaman and frost mage to get that pet. Ever other option seemed too limited because of maxing out weapon enchantment at a ridiculous level.

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