How do you solo Viscidus now a days?

I wasn’t gaslighting. I was merely mocking the fact the guy was giving the “bring a friend” reply to do 15 years old content. I know you just need frost stuff and can solo it with that, but i found it silly that he said “bring a frost mage friend to 15 years old content”. It came off like he was trolling.

So, right here by how you chose to word it, it gives off the implication to a person reading it that you can not solo Viscidus. This is blatantly incorrect as you can solo Viscidus.

Gaslighting in how I’m using it does apply on a very just technical level in that you are basically trying to tell people you can’t solo something. I’m not saying this in like an offending or accusatory way or meaning it to imply sinister intent, however you are effectively distorting the truth of the situation and thus manipulating people by lying either intentional or not.

I think it would’ve been more apt to just say you were flat out lying but gaslighting was more close by definition because there was an intent behind it clearly otherwise you wouldn’t have seen fit to just tell a white lie like this. About the only other thing I could say is Lie by Omission but it’s not exactly a Lie by Omission because you’re not omitting anything aside from the fact it can actually be solo’d contrary to your claim, which would just be lying.

What a conundrum you have placed me within good sir, I now need to think of the appropriate word to describe your deceptive behavior over whether or not Viscidus can be solo’d or not when I know it can be on a class that has no innate access to frost damage despite your claims that it can’t be done.

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You missed the whole point lol. You shouldn’t base yourself on words without context. Just like the guy i replied to before. That person mentioned the rewards which is not what i actually referred to, hence my comment on how its about soloing 15 years old content and the guy essentially trolling by saying bring a friend to 15 years old content. In the context of the above conversation, i’m very clearly just mocking and outright criticizing the guy for the “bring a friend” suggestion.

I wasn’t. My statement is correct. It IS soloable with frost enchant, but the guy above me is pretty much trolling if “bring a frost mage friend to 15 years old content” is the suggestion.

Dude, you should just calm down and think. Because you are calling me liar when i’m not. I never explicitly said Viscidus wasn’t soloable, i merely mocked the guy that sent a troll reply that added nothing to the topic.


Not everyone who disagrees with you or responds to you short of worshipping you is angry. Get over yourself lol.

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You were calling me a liar. There’s a difference between disagreement and calling people things they are not.

No but you were calling me something im not

Says the person calling me a liar when i’m not. Chill and read again before you start calling others things they are not. You pretty much started to shoot me for criticizing a troll due to the way i worded my statement.

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That’s what I did a long long time ago, and stuck the weapon in the bank, twice I have almost deleted it when I come across it from time to time, before remembering what its for. Why? I should delete it, I’m never gonna need that pet again, nor the Zul mallet, or the crud for hivemind… I’m gonna end up on that hoarders tv show. Time to go to the bank… and make a withdrawal.

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so first you freeze him with frost damage and then shatter with him melee. so best bet is to use any dual wield spec. Fury Warrior, Frost DK, rogue, WW Monk, DH, etc. Get a couple cheap 1 hand weapons off the AH. They have to be low ilvl for this. Also they normalized weapon speeds so a dagger is a dagger and a One Hand axe is the same as a One Hand Sword. then you’re gonna get the MOP Elemental Force enchant (which only works up to a certain ilvl, which is why you want low ilvl weapons). Just melee until he freezes then pop any CD or ability that delivers a lot of melee strikes as fast as possible.

BM hunters also work with a chimera pet, then take talents like Death Chakram/Dire Beast/Barrage, etc.

Technically Shadowfrost and Chaos schools of magic will work to freeze, but the time you need to put into using specs that use those (for the freeze and then the shatter) is not worth it imo. A lot of trinkets that used to be usable for casters like the Quilen Statuette no longer work against raid bosses. Just use a DW spec with Elemental Frorce enchants or hunter.

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It’s not silly. It’s a valid option.

People have friends. Things are more fun with friends. My guild runs MC as a group. Are we trolling because we run it with others?

You’re the only one trolling here.

Bring a rogue with the frost daggers is honestly easiest way to do it. Need to get like 30 melee strikes in and have something to freeze that thing with. So some trinkets can do the trick with some frost enchants for paladins. But requires some trinket farming. But the easiest thing is to get a rogue friend to help.

I think topics like this are important.

Although it’s old content, should players really be stuck with mechanics that require items outside the dungeon/raid to complete them? During current content and recent past xpac I think it’s ok to be stuck and recognize things need to be completed or mechanics followed. For soloing older content I think most players will find this frustrating. Personally I think QoL updates like an item to be clicked after x rounds or something else for a solution would be far better than having to either die or hearth out just to find out you need to do x. Having said that, how far do you take that concept?

Atomä, sorry you had to go through that. I know myself I’ve had the hard reminder going through and forgetting I needed frost for that particular boss. On the flip side, makes for good stories :wink: Hope some of the suggestions help with your adventures!


There’s a phial that deals frost damage and according to wowhead the endothermic blaster does a small amount of frost damage.

But but I might need that stuff someday… looking at the Onyxia cloak and Zaralek Caverns

Just, don’t click on the reagent tab… please I beg you :rofl:

To the OP: as others have said, Elemental Force on a lower iLvL weapon is what I do, in my case it was the staff from staghelm, was carrying it around anyway before I got the toy that makes cat form fire. I do not know much about the Paladin class and their melee capabilities, but would switching to Ret be something viable for more melee damage for that one fight? Not ideal but a solution.

This is a sound idea and there are a few places I can think of around older content where this would work well.

OMG I hated this one. You’re exactly correct as a paladin you can not solo this guy. You really need to bring a friend. To make matters worse, the transmog piece for us is a BOP piece and it can not be traded. I can’t tell you how many times I ran this stupid thing with my wife and she ended up getting the stupid transmog. I haven’t been back after getting the set piece.

Good luck!

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I (also a paladin) used a weapon enchant that did frost damage back when I was farming AQ40. If memory serves, it was a cataclysm enchant.

why is that?

Gral’s tooth does frost damage on proc as I recall.

Also unstable frostfire belt.

Try Phial of Glacial Fury

The point here is that it’s 15 years old content. Yes, it’s soloable with frost stuff, but OP did criticize needing frost attacks (via enchants and such if your class does not have them )that other solo bosses do not need. The “bring friends” adds zero value to the topic in question and feels like trolling from those guys that demands people should never be able to solo group content. It shouldn’t be a requisite at all, and while it’s certainly not here, the guy seemed to imply he was serious regarding the implications of that “suggestion”. Bringing friends should always be optional for content that’s +4 years old.

Go ahead and cope more. I’m not the one trolling here.


And yet you’re the one that came at Trust, insulting him and triggering so many responses after your misplaced hostility.

His comment was valid. Yours was not. OP didn’t criticize anything. They asked for help. Bringing friends is a valid option to asking for help.

That’s absolutely you. Have a better day.

I wasn’t hostile. I just point out and refute points. I just called that post trolling because I had a hard time thinking in exactly which context it makes sense when taking the OP topic in mind, and it’s hard to not think of it as trolling. Also, you don’t understand the meaning of the word hostility,do you? :joy:

Debatable, especially in the context of the OP.

says the guy calling me hostile for expressing my opinion and disbelief on a post that felt like trolling. Up yours.

For 15 years old content? :joy: :joy:

Yes, the enchants and stuff exists and this was brought up, but it was also criticized on comments below.

Man, get over yourself. You get upset for literally nothing at all, and call me hostile for calling a post trolling given the context.