How do you report

How do you report a player with racist comments and blizzard acutely looks at them? specially when I have screenshots. They are bullying me in game. Should I just stop playing the game or am I able to talk to blizzard about this. I reported in game and his conversation cleared and he went on ignore list. But when I log out and back in the game he can send me messaged so its bugged?

I want to be able to talk to blizzard directly since this comments are irritating. I took screenshots of someone those comments.

Hey bud! Sadly thats all blizzard does now. I remember the old days when GMs would directly message you and deal with your problems. Im sorry you’re dealing with racist A HOLES! But, if you would like someone to game with, or even chat with, let me know. :slight_smile: You can add me on Discord if you’d like. Gibbz#7853

Blizz doesnt care

ture i dont know what @gibbz is talking about i have not seen it happen.