How do you pick your talents

There are many of options in the talent tree and many sources to help. Do you just use the starter build or look on you tube to see what people recommend or use icy-veins or wowhead
Or just muddle through using your best judgement. I’m always afraid I’ll pick the wrong one.

Icyveins, copy, paste


I Print out the talent tree, and pin it to my dart board!


I do it the wrong way. I pick what I like for my play style.


Just close my eyes and click around randomly on the talent tree. What I get is what I get.


When leveling, I usually go with what sounds the best to help with leveling. Once I get closer to 70, I’ll look up a cookie cutter build and as you play the class usually you’ll find certain talents work a bit better for certain fights

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I pick out what looks good then after I’m comfortable start trying some of the alternatives and then once everything is bound and familiar I’ll start looking at what good players are doing.

This keeps it from being a little overwhelming and unfamiliar.

If it’s a lazy alt I won’t be playing for long I just import a build and exert minimum effort in learning it.

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I start with Icyveins, but then make adjustments. I prefer active skills to passive stuff. I want buttons to press.

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Warcraftlogs, read them all, pick the ones which have good results, seem to go together, and I like.

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I select what works for me.

Single-Target for a Windwalker being particularly bad, but I’d rather hit more buttons in Single Target than spamming Spinning Crane Kick and Touch of Death.

Survivability is also kind of terrible, so I opt for as much potential healing as possible.

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I use the starter build then edit from there.
Sometimes it isnt even close to the starter build by the time Im finally happy.

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Default starter build while I’m leveling. This once I hit 70:

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disclaimer: I don’t play competitively.

For classes I play often, I tend to pick abilities I enjoy and just pick all the talents that buff that ability, then the ability I enjoy second-most and so on. Aside from interrupts and self-heals, I tend to avoid anything that adds more buttons to my rotation.

For classes I haven’t had a chance to play much yet, I’m just using the starter built, but intend to eventually change them.

It’s a very scientific process by which my cat dances on the keyboard.


I tried this with my dog and now I have to get a new laptop.

She’s 70lbs.

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Meh choices are simple and its kinda hard not to reach the same talents the world first players picks. Generally you would be slightly off by one or two talents when compared.

However you would have to be blindfolded to mess up too much.

14 characters
(14x3) specs, -1 for evokers, -1 for DH, + 1 for Druid means 41 specs (and this is before having separate raid and M+ specs)

Yeah . . ., click on spec, copy and paste into talents

I’m not coming up with my own unique builds for 41 specs lol

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Same here. I just pick what looks decent, try it for a while, and change up if it turns out not to be.

Once I have a set that works well I screen shot it for alts.

casters>numbing poison
zugzugwarriors>atrophic and crimpling.
evoker>don’t go 4 poison, go arterial precision
pvp elusive, pve cheat death
everything else stays relatively the same.

I inspect my choices and determine whether they are something I would use.

  • Several choices, pick the best.
  • Only one good choice, pick it.
  • No good choices, hold my nose and waste that point on a garbage talent I will never be able to use.

Lovely system.

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