How do you people do it?

Spoken like a true zoomer. Everyone who proves you wrong is “cringe.”

LUL zoomer logic.

He’s cringe cause he lied about that to clickbait boomers like you only to quit Classic and never play anymore lmao

Zoomer just zoomering. Nothing to see here folks.

I know I’m talking every aspect of the game

Does Palumor still play Classic? Checkmate.

If you watched the video he says why but you are too zoomer and have zero attention span so can’t do anything that lasts over like 1 min of attention span.

i wouldn’t be sad seeing aspect of the viper juggling go away focus is a lot better and a lot more appropriate for the class identity, even if blizz has constant struggle balancing it

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I clicked on the video, heard his intro and fell asleep. :zzz:

It’s because of your zoomer attention span. That’s not normal.

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Nah I usually can watch long YT videos, like Logan Paul podcast. But Paulacringe’s intro is too much man, it sends me to a deep sleep every time I hear it. Giga ResidentSleeper.

You watch long youtube videos with annoying cuts and loud noises because that is how people keep your attention.

When a normal video plays you lose attention in the 1st minute because you are a zoomer.

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This is you.

You are 156 wins and 131 losses.

You’re 2018 rating.

Solo shuffle is a joke bro.

And Frost mages in Cata too. They really blast you to pieces in PvP. Followed by Arcane.

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Ok what’s your rating?

You over here playing like ARAM talking about how good you are when you’re too trash to actually play League Of Legends so you play a meme version of it.



I’m like 2890 in pet battles!!!

How do y’all play classic?


I’m 2k in Shuffle and you have zero rating while playing a dying 20 yr old MMO private server pressing a 3 button rotation.

Kinda sounds like you’re projecting.

Before you were 2400 what happened kid?

You sure you know what you’re rating is?

Came in here lying until I put the receipts out.

You are trash

I never said I was 2400, I said I was closing in on it. I was actually 2300 and had some unlucky lobbies.

“pulling receipts”

Dude is 40+ yrs old trying to act tough on a dead sub forum.

Kinda cringe ngl

You’re playing a casual meme version of arena because you’re too bad to actually do arena.

Can’t even hit 1500.

I don’t play 2s seriously, I queue with an IRL friend and he’s new to WoW and doesn’t know wtf he’s doing so obv we lose a lot.

I don’t do 3s either, the LFG is p dead for it and everyone plays Solo Shuffle.

You’re such a giga boomer that if you tried to play Shuffle your arthritis would kick in and your heart would seize from all the different abilities :skull: :rofl: