How do you people do it?

This is fantastic.


You don’t play anything hard cuz you’re bad.


Giga fantastic

You’re arguing with someone who doesn’t care about you on a dying MMO forum.

The hardest part about your day is getting into your electric scooter since you’re most likely immobile, and the next hardest part of your day is pressing a 3 button rotation on decade old bosses that’s been solved.

KEKW, hold this L :skull:

Retail has several avenues of content that keeps you interested in logging in… m+, rbgs, arena, 4 different difficulties of raid, pet battles, world quests, transmog farming… Say what you will about each of those, but the fact is there is something for everyone. I think the main issue isnt that wotlk feels “dead” outside of raid logging, I just think blizz hasnt put much thought into making it better… I saw it here the other day but a really god QOL change could be to make badges account wide, to make gearing alts a lot more seamless… yet its not something blizzard will do because it seems like WOTLK is on autopilot.

Holy inappropriate post batman.

You need to relax retail andy.

Yeah I had to dial it back, forgot boomers were snowflakes.

You are just giga triggered right now and now that I’ve quoted you, you won’t be editing your giga cringe post :slight_smile:

Jesus you even use the word giga like a boomer, is everyone here a senior citizen? Feels like I walked into a nursing home.

Bro you lose to me in literally every aspect of this game lmfao.

Imagine losing to a wheelchair bound virgin boomer as you put it.

I mean, I could say the same about Retail. I played Shadowlands, was super boring.

All of the zones feel lifeless. The quests are blegh. The PVP was alright. The raids were basically handheld loot.

Mythics were interesting at least.

Retail is as boring to me as Classic is to you I guess.

EDIT: Don’t even get me started on the current lore either. This game has jumped the shark massively.

You shouldn’t get so easily triggered.

Wotlk is a prog server bro.

Low key that should be the title for your autobiography, id buy it.

LUL he doesn’t know that his fellow zoomers are going to cancel him.

And true

I have cutting edges, you have nothing.

I have actual arena achievements 2.2k, you have nothing.

But you got 2018 in solo shuffle LMFAO


I can’t get cancelled if he owns being that lmao, at that point i’m brave for supporting him.

Dude you got that back in World War 2, if you didn’t get anything in DF then I don’t respect it.

Keep thinking that :slight_smile:

You’re telling me if he named his autobiography:

I would get cancelled for buying it?? He’s brave for owning up to his conditions.

id go to bat for the shadowlands zones, I thought they were really pretty and distinct but I wish there was more a story going on in them & maybe more things to explore and being disconnected from each other does suck