How do you make gold?

I honestly just swipe my credit card when token prices are high.

Making gold in game has turned into an AH mini game which I have no interest or desire in playing anymore. I’d rather just buy gold and then do content that I actually enjoy.


Gathering Professions and Bonus Loot [aka queuing as tank or healer]

I made a 600,000 just from selling spots in my Normal raid. I send out a message in trade that I’m selling full Normal clears. People whisper you and ask how much, so I tell them 100k each. I explain to be online at 9 p.m. Central and I’ll send an invite if interested. Had 7 people interested, but one no show. So I just formed a raid in the premade group finder and sent invites to the 6 that still wanted to come. Then I filled in the other spots with people that had decent raider IO’s and gear levels. It actually went pretty smoothly until Fryakk. Then I had to kick 2 low dps, but not my paying clients, lol. I brought in 2 other dps and we mopped it up. Wasn’t pretty, but I got 600k for just putting a group together. Worst case scenario, group falls apart and I had to refund money, but went so good, I’ll do it on some more alts and milk it for more.

I sell ores and herb and leather do dailies


At my highpoint, I was making around 80-90K a week from Dragon Flying and WQs…but it took about 6 hours each week.

For awhile I was also playing the flavor pocket lottery on all of my toons which would net me anywhere between 0 and hundreds of thousand in a week. I recommend this. You can get 5-6 toons through each soup…and really it takes longer to shuttle them there than to complete the quest



time machine. play during wod


Double gather in the early expansion gold rush.

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I do quests and I loot things. Gold just seems to happen as a result.


Gradually losing it all.

You can farm naxx for xmog if that’s still a thing in demand atm, I think they also did some cata xmog with a more recent patch as well? Prob still tons of gold there.

You can specialize in crafting and advertise and craft for various guilds, friends, or other people on your realm and make thousands per craft that takes you very little time.

You can farm transmog, pets, and rare mounts to sale.

You could learn to farm resources well and make a lot of very quick gold cause they seem to all sell near instantly.

Could run people through M+ or normal/heroic raids with your friends/guild for gold and split the profit via carries.

Could earn 40k a week running 13 alts through lfr each week and selling the coins for gold from the vault.

Can make an army of alts and run 60 alts through every gold mission you come across every few days for tons of gold if you’re patient enough.

Dancing on Mail Boxes :dracthyr_uwu:

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I’m an accumulator who doesn’t care about most of the gold sinks in game. Transmog, mounts, pets.

Right, even though doing that is in direct contravention of the rules? Or do you perhaps mean you put the message up on the Services channel… :thinking:

by the power of… plastic.

the wow token is just too good, and cuts out the pointless grinds in the free time as working like an hourish. of work is efficient enough.

made some half decent gold doing professions with the ability to craft those max lvl upgrades people keep spamming trade needing but as im an engineer thats kinda limited to wrist slots for people to have a B rez tinker.

if DF was more like SoD, then there would be tons of shipments people would be looking to complete for reputations and i’d have a lot more work orders i could be filling, meanwhile the reputation would basically be a resource sponge keeping the over stocks in check.

amazing that sort of reputation thing isnt in DF.

before the wow token gold was more limited to gathering, old raid farming, transmog boe’s, a few random profession related things.

and before account wide pets was a thing it was staking out the white kitten “merchant” and then taking that pet over the the Booty bay AH and listing it for quite the mark up.


First I go to this thing called a job, and i have what is known as expendable income - a surplus of income you might say and then i pull out my credit, or debit card depending how naughty I am feeling at the moment and proceed to buy 3-5 tokens.

its fast, effective it removes any form of farming i just have zero time for with a whole family so when i play wow, i am focusing on just the very basic part: playing wow and not stressing over gold.


I set my gluonic eigenprocessor to ‘gold’, and it attracts and compresses all free nucleons in the area (specifically into the spin-9 resonator chamber) until atomic weight 196.97 is achieved.


thats quite the bit of effort. is it efficient enough to offset the electric bill? :dracthyr_tea:


I mean im over here like…


Initially I bought a few tokens over several years. One on each server I started characters on (horde and alliance) because other peoples judgement in this game means absolutely not a thing to me and my time is more valuable than blowing game time farming gold up.

Beyond that…

I play the game diligently storing quest gold and I sell everything if I luck my way into getting something I think might be good for the AH I’ll sell it on there.

I don’t buy much stuff it’s mostly for my massive alt habit I feed them money for professions bags occasionally I’ll buy gear on the AH to help out a struggling toon I’m leveling but even then I’m talking cheap gear… I’m not buy stuff people want even 10s of thousands for.