Ice fin Tuna = gold
I think that depends on what you mean by making gold.
Through DF i have seen the most gold in my bags than ever (been playing since vanilla).
Disclaimer: ive never been a real farmer or gold hunter which is probably why i still dont have a few of the really expensive mounts.
Still, just leveling through to 70, running dailies and weeklies and im sitting over 250k. Is that rich? No. I still cant buy the 500k mount with the vendors on it. But i have more than enough to hit the AH for mats or cover whatever i feel like…
Early expansion farming herbs and ore is pretty profitable
Flipping can be risky but is very profitable if you can do it right.
transmogs you have to keep listing…over and over and over again. Eventually they will mostly get purchased if the price is reasonable.
You have to have yours listed at the point where someone is looking and yours is lowest. Tricky at best. Requires you sitting there relisting a lot to be honest IF you are trying to move it faster.
Legion imo would be the better alternative since those can now be soloable doing mythic. I assume you would make more gold since it is newer than WoD.
Do you mean Frosted Rimefin Tuna?
Literally just selling ore, gems, and motes (or we the elemental bits are called) nets me enough cash to feed my endless transmog addiction.
Plus several dailies and weeklies offer 600+ gold.
Many of the bfa era ones also still give 100+ gosk for 10 seconds of your time.
Rare mogs always take time to sell. 2 months isn’t much for some of them. It took me easily 6 months to sell some island expeditions gear for 40k + each.
Same with pets.
Transmog selling is not gpnna be easy without a decent supply of it. My advice,do a lot of old dungeons,sell everything with even a 500g cost on auction house. It takes a while to build up inventory,but once you do,you just keep adding to it. Over time I once had about 5000 pieces to sell. Took a while to dwindle it down,but I was making 40 to 50 thousand gold a day average. Sell every crafting material you get that is worth more than it costs to list. Island expeditions are good transmog farms too. Do the weekly soup quest in Azure span every week on every toon at least 60 for Alchemical Flavor Pockets, sold one today for 72k. Its time consuming but way more enjoyable than crawling around picking herbs and ores,and more lucrative
Farm Zaralek glowspores and transmute dracothysts and hope for multicraft procs and resourcefulness.
It’s actually only 7k/week/toon for the races (500x7x2) so ~ 21k an hour. Besides carries, maxed skill crafting and carries one of the more lucrative tactics but BORING AF.
I just buy tokens.
But before that, I found rich Gnomes and Dwarves and picked them up and shook out all their coins.
You have to make gold at the beginning of the expansion.
Always the case. - a year into it - gold making opportunities go away.
There are so many more fun things you can do with real life money though. I’m much more imaginative than buying warcraft gold.
I just bought a hammock those are pretty cool
I buy wow token. Ez gold farm
Token is like 289k right now for $20 … I would just buy a token unless you wanna craft gear
From what I can tell, you can either level tanks and healers to take advantage of the supply bonus for tanking and healing dungeons. Do dragonriding WQs. Figure out how to make something profitable from professions. Idk, beyond that.
Doing quests (especially dragon racing quests) and selling junk is the easiest way to make money for me.
For mats, quality is key, specifically the silver (two diamonds) level as they are used the most for the weekly Trade quest.
As a casual gatherer I can usually pull in 250K gold per week farming ore/herbs.
Yeah, I screwed up the arithmetic. There’s a reason I married an accountant, y’all.
Of course. My point is that they are so cheap they wouldn’t take up a meaningful fraction of your real life money, so you can still by all those fun things. For OP, who is struggling to make enough gold, it is a very viable option. Less than an hours work of wages and they can stop worrying about it alltogether.
Gold making through the AH is dead. You have to spend hours dedicated to it to make half of what you used to be able to to