Work on your Dragonscale rep this will open up climbing and the photography world quests. These usually give around 600+ gold per quest or a gear item. Open up the expedition packs lots of vendor grays. Also add in the dirt piles as your rep increases. Try dragon racing these will have 400+ gold in the bags. I think I made about 30k this week from these activities.
I have a niche suggestion but if you farm up Bloods of Sargeras from Legion, you can trade them in for Legion mats that often sell for a pretty penny. Especially the ore.
The other week, Leystone was selling for 20g each(!) and you can pick up 10 of those per each Blood. So 100 Bloods net you 1,000 ore and a good 15k-20k in your pocket or you could mine it yourself if you’re so inclined I guess!
Back in BFA, when the Bruto Mount was my motivation, I downloaded TradeSkillsMaster and learned to flip stuff on the Auction House. That earned me more gold than any token purchases I’ve ever made, but it was a lot of effort and TSM has since been throttled so that doing an auto-scan for currently underpriced commodities is very slow (as is semi-automated cancel/re-post operations).
In DF, I’ve been buying the occasional token when they are high value (over 250K gold) and using TSM just to get a feel for the AH value of xmogs that I find while doing quests/dungeons (and more importantly the sell-rate, because if that’s low it could take months to find a buyer). Mostly I just run all my alts through every world quest (including dragon races) that gives gold, then have all my alts funnel their gold in excess of 50K to my main on Tuesdays after reset. The alts are also working on paragon reputation caches as every time you fill the bar that’s 1K gold per alt.
In total, each alt is earning about 5-10K a week, which isn’t much when in BFA with active AH-flipping I was earning 150K/week , plus another 50K/week from grinding 4 high-value dungeons 10x each daily along with 4 high-value old raids once a week (see image below). Obviously if you’re time-limited a gang of alts that are making gold for your account might not be viable.
I just do the weekly dragonriding world quests on my alt army and its more then enough to pay for the token for sub time. During the start of Dragonflight I farmed herbs and ores and made a nice stockpile of tokens to get Diablo 4 and the next WoW expansion.
This is incorrect. If you have nothing to spend gold on you aren’t playing the game.
It’s very smart to buy tokens when they go through the roof at over 300k. And dropping $100 now means if they don’t spend the gold when something drops that brings people back and the token price crashes back to 98k that $100 will be with 15 months of service at about $6.67 a month. Just because you don’t buy tokens doesn’t make it pointless. And BTW being casual as you pointed out is even more reason to buy tokens. Casuals don’t want to waste half of their limited play time farming gold.
The only people acting “better than” for not buying tokens either can’t afford them so they think it’s not fair or playing this game is all they do so they have no need for the gold.
As to OP I say do what works for you but the tokens, esp right now, are a great way to fill your coffers.
For stupid easy gold that isn’t time consuming You have to have multiple max level characters.
All the race wq give 3000 or so twice a week per toon for 20 mins of “work”. Or you have to really farm nodes which may or may not give that in sales for same time
Dragon Races are a good source of gold
Turn warmode on for more money from world quests.
Even if you’re on a populated server with a faction imbalance the dragon riding wqs are so easy to fly to and start before anyone can see if you’re geared or not.
Awakened ire drops like candy from pvp reward boxes, sells pretty decent.
Chance to get the crafting recipes from that as well although they aren’t worth what they used to be. Still can go for a couple hundred gold to a couple thousand on my server.
I do that one quest for the centaurs where you kill the boss in the ring on all my alts. 2k each yes please
The unironic answer at this point in the expansion is quite literally either WoW tokens or selling carries to the people buying WoW tokens. Passive gold generation is pretty non existent in DF and the AH merge killed all gathering professions. You can try flipping certain items on the AH / setting up TSM to snipe but you’re literally competing against people that are using the mobile auction house app to run bots completely risk free. I guess you could literally slave away weeks of your life trying to farm either the Lariat or Ring-Bound Hourglass recipes since those still go for millions but good luck; there’s a reason there’s basically none on the AH. For 99.99% of the playerbase you’ll make $20 probably 100x faster than it would take you to make 300k in this game lol.
Work 30 minutes at a decent job and earn enough for a token. It would be extremely difficult to get the same value-per-minute in the game. You would have to earn nearly a million gold per hour to keep up with a good paying job.
If you’re on a large realm you can make decent gold filling personal WO for other players.
Professions will always be key to making gold.
The expansion probably has a year left in it. So max out 1-2 crafting professions and fill them WO.
If you’re on A52, Illidan or Stormrage you can make 100k a night easily doing work orders.
Check WoW gold guides on YouTube for good advice.
I like Manthieus and Penguinr2gt. Manthieus plays on a large realm on the EU, while Penguin plays on a small realm in the US.
Gold making strategies that work on a small realm are not applicable on large and vice versa.
I do the dragon riding world quests every 4 days on my 11 alts. Makes enough gold to pay for my sub and a little extra on the side. Also all my alts are miners/herbalists so i farm that stuff when i feel like it for some extra pocket change. I am never really hurting for gold this way.
really easy to make gold in wow, you just go to blizzard store, open your wallet and grab your credit card, then you buy a wowtoken, done, you made 300k gold.
People already said what you have to do:
- Weekly Gold WQs (~670g per quest) / DR races (~550g per race).
- Shadowlands weekly “Replenish the reservoir” = 1.5k g
- Shadowlands Paragon chests (don’t farm the rep, let it come) = 3.5k g
- Weekly raid farming as posted above (mainly HFC/BRF from WoD).
- LFG bags (900g + 1500g per augment rune). Use a Weak Aura to track availability.
- Working the AH might be productive, but it’s a midterm solution. Specially high quantities of rousing/awakening elements with differing average prices.
don’t share all your secrets guys
but when x-realm trading opens up, goldshire mailbox dances will be a nice side hussle
I spent about 2 hours last night farming herbs and ore in Zeralak Cavern, making sure to use the power ups when available, and today in my inbox had about 6500 gold. Most of which was from rousings and glowspheres.
Spend $20 and buy the gold from Blizzard
I make 2200 gold a day on wotlk classic from playing the ah and two toons with 4 profs ATM.
You’re putting in more hours than I am to actively farm to make that little when it costs $50 for a million gold from RMT.
I don’t buy gold and never will cause I make a wow token every 2 days with pretty low effort.
If I was making what I make in wotlk for retail I would actually start buying tokens lmfao
It’s like 4000-7000 for me