How do you make gold in Dragonflight?

The only rare transmogs that really sell in my experience are the bind on equip epics that can drop in raids. Vend everything else if you already have it in your collection.

In my experience, the best time to sell herbs is the week before a new raid is released. Hit those herb and mining nodes with your profession’s elemental boost as often as possible. Sell the rousing and awakened elements for more profit. However, the auction house can be a pain. Trade goods are listed regionally so you’re competing against everyone in the North America Region. You might need to watch and re-list because people still undercut even though it is last in first out.

Speaking of last in first out for the Auction House. Listing during prime time will help your trade goods move faster. If I list in the morning, they just sit. If I list during prime time, they usually sell within seconds. Don’t undercut. Just list and get out.

Dragonflight World quests give hundreds of gold though. Up to 600 for the ones listed as a gold reward. The dragon racing quests always give me at least 500 gold each. If you’re extremely broke then hit them up twice a week and complete them.

I’ve also made good money collecting the tackle boxes that everyone hates. The vendor trash value can add up quickly. Plus you might find a recipe you can try to sell.

And when you can get a mammoth or yak with a vendor. The mammoth is cheaper. When you’re bags are full, just mount up and vend all the garbage. You won’t have to fly out of your way to a vendor.

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i have alts do the dragon racing world quests. 500+ gold from the reward bag for about 2 minutes of fumbling each course for around 18 alts


I’ll be hated for this comment, but I used to auction flip :stuck_out_tongue: It was time consuming, but this specific toon is on a slow server, so things get expensive when a buyout happens. If it means anything, I haven’t done that since BFA. I’d like to publicly apologize for being a turd burglar :heart:

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Every week there’s at least 10k gold in wotld quests on the map (dragon races+actual gold quest rewards). Not much but it helps.

Crafting professions don’t necessarily cost that much, most I’ve spent is buying recipes, but that’s not always necessary. The real cost of crafting professions is time, tbh. Depending on the progession, it can take months to get your skill points to where you can start turning a profit. I have a jc’er with all gems, and jewelry (minus elemental lariat and the necklace with a shield) and an almost complete blacksmith and scribe; between those three, I made like 50-100k last reset by checking public orders at random and answering 4-5 tradechat requests.

yeah its on me xD i confuse folks allot


yeah thats what i do, 1kG and the runes which you can sell or keep.

i only use gold for enchants and the good bags. Call to Arms addon helps this along.

They can to a certain point minus 1-2 specific bosses that have mechanics that don’t allow it.

But I was more referring to normal and heroic since the gear vendors for the same price as mythic gear.

I literally just do whatever tbh fly around mine kill rares loot treasures do some of the high gold reward world quests. Re Exalt with Legion BFA and Shadowlands Factions is great gold especially the last one still has insane gold return for time and its about as fast as dragonflight content.Now we got Tier 3 so you can farm Lamented Pieces sell them for 500k-1Million + Sell transmogs from the New Scholomance revamp since that place is dropping BoE blue and Epics items and patterns. Farm BFA Legion Shadowlands Rares for Battle Pets sell the ones worth 5k+ either level it to 25 or leave it level 1. Farm materials regardless of expansion since Region wide AH prices are really stable.Outside of that NM else you can do. Well besides buy wow tokens sell Myth+ carries for gold and PvP carries.

Plenty of Addons to use to help with this. too. All the Things,Tradeskillmaster (TSM) Loot appraiser which Pairs well with TSM. Rare scanning addons I could go on but they are easily researched, I hope this and what others have added helps :slight_smile:

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BTW Keep re posting these I know and so do others know the struggle of selling such Expensive Items. It might take 1 week 6 months even 5 years but they do sell. You can always adjust yourprices.Or if you are super keen to sell it there are forums out there with people looking for stuff of that nature and you can alwayss do deals that way.

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Seconding this — at seven races, twice a week, that’s 14K a week for very little time invested.

One last thing yes the gold used to be great from older expansions Dailies now with world quests in Dragonflight not being Daily outside of ZC and maybe a couple other places once you knock out all the ones for gold or stuff to vendor for gold you will get a handful more on the weekend ( well I am in australia so its 1pm saturday this happens) you will get handful more of random rewarding world quests. Zaralek Caverns from what I have Observed has somewhat of a better restock of quests but I am not sure how frequent that is. I hope that clears some things up

Good for you, I guess?

There’s not really anything to buy with that gold though, so you basically spent about $100 for no reason

I don’t think the average casual (…and it sounds like the OP is a casual based on the description) is wiling to spend $100+ USD just to have a little gold

You can outright buy a full $60 AAA game with that $100 instead (plus have $40 leftover) :joy:

Just now saw this

Come on bruh, no one wants to do this

Imagine doing this on 5+ alts, even on 1 character it sounds grindy with all the travelling around all over the continent :yawning_face:

Just the logistics/grindy-ness/monotony of attempting to do this on a large roster of alts makes me cringe :persevere:

I wasn’t bragging so I’m not sure the point of this reply. What I was doing was answering the OP.

I already spent half of it. You don’t know what I want.


Buy a token and call it good for a while.

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It sounds like you have the right ideas. Anything YouTube related is going to sound appealing but likely already be yesterdays news in practice, although fruitful at times.

For xmog sales you are looking at hundreds of thousands if not millions worth of gold in listings for even daily sales including patterns and grey xmogs etc. Anything that is super rare is exciting, but definitely don’t count your chickens before they hatch :hatching_chick: :slight_smile: having one or two high value items is good for the less frequent cash in, but try something like the Silithus farm to elongate your AH portfolio a tad.

For battle pets, the best tip I found/realized was possible, was the “put in crate” option or whatever it is. You said you’re returning, so look back over your old battle pets and see which are able to be put into a box and sold. Rare or normal doesn’t really matter so check all, I’ve made a cool 200k or so off of old xpac pets that I really never use so? That was a big win, still a few hundred k more listed and they will go at some point.

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Blacksmithing and Enchanting


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buy wow tokens, only way to even be able to afford to buy stuff off the AH. Its only gonna get worse after cross realm trading becomes a thing.

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Racing is a solid way to make gold. Just finish the race and you’re making ~550g. There are 7 races, 2x per week (They change Friday evening at 8pm Server Time), so 14 * 550 = 7700g per toon.

Additionally, if you do the arena near the centaurs and get that weekly, you’ll often get a wq that rewards 1k. You get an automatic ~600g for doing the rare quests and those reset when the races do. Weekly, I tend to net about 10k per toon just doing that. it’s not a huge amount, but if you’re an altoholic…

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Farm one mount that has a .001% drop rate and then try to sell it for its value, but proceed to have all the economics majors tell you it’s overpriced so they can then sell it for a massive profit.

I spam PvP and made ~50k gold selling a mountain of Awakened Ire.

It was just piling up in my bags. One man’s trash, etc.