Hi all!
This might be a bit of a weird ask, but I figured I’d throw it out anyway.
I’ve been in and out of WoW since SL came out, but haven’t seriously played since BfA. I’d like to get back into RP and PvE, but I’m at a point where I can’t play as consistently as I used to, and where most of my playtime is in the morning and afternoon. I’m really not used to this schedule or having groups around it.
So I was just curious how you all go about finding communities/roleplaying/doing PvE that isn’t pugging when you may not have the most reliable schedule or may not play during peak hours.
(Any general tips for making friends on here, too, when you’re a pretty anxious person is much appreciated as well!)
Here is an NA morning/Daytime discord that might help: https://discord.gg/XktTxHfm
I play at odd times as well, most late-late night on the server. It hasn’t been easy; I’ve been mostly a solo player since I moved from the USA to Australia at the end of MoP.
I spent most of SL on MG. First as Alliance, where some walk-up RP I had was just awesome.
By the way, Valkyr is on MG Alliance now for Oceanic players who want awesome RP AND to do content.
Anyhow, the people I went to MG to play with quit early into SL and I wound up healing H-side in a guild with several Oceanic and night-shifter members.
It was fun but the Oceanic players withdrew a bit, the main night-shifter got a day shift and, as it goes: that is that!
Still dig that guild but for Dragonflight, I’ll be back on WrA where all my max professions are, playing Sef here but probably maining my warrior and, of course, enjoying an Evoker while they’re OP as hell.
Best of luck and give me a shout if we’re on at the same time 
Thank you for sharing - I’ll have to check out that discord! 
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Check out this community as well. There is a forum post for it that I’ll link for easy access.
Wyrmrest Community Project - Wyrmrest Accord - World of Warcraft Forums (blizzard.com)
There are people I remember there who tend to play a little earlier in the day. Granted, it’s a community centered around mostly RP; but you may be able to find some folks who are down to group with you for PvE content. And if nothing else it could afford you some connections and help you get to know many of the more active members of the community.
It tends to be a very busy Discord from what I remember, so keep that in mind in terms of your anxiety and the variety (and passion) of conversation you’ll see there. However, for what you’re looking for, I can’t think of a better place to start.
Thanks a ton - I’ll be sure to check it out! 
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