on the forum?
I see some people are able to tell what server people are from and things like their achievements and gear. I know there used to be an armory you could get to by clicking on a person’s icon. But that doesn’t see to work any more.
So how do you look up the info?
If you hover your mouse cursor over the forum character’s name, you’ll see the URL in the status window at the bottom of your Web browser that includes the server name.
I just hit reply…like i see this char is on skeram
cuz ur whymsy-skeram
i c u
Thanks so much for your help guys!!
Just to expand, people can only see your name and server. If you show your helm/shoulder they can hazard a guess as to gear, but gear can only be seen by finding the toon in game and inspecting and there are no achievements in Classic.
Is there no armory for Classic?
Does armory still exist in the current game?
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Yep. Just go to the main site and type a retail character name into the search bar. Armory has been integrated as part of the search and site experience.

That’s a good point as well. You can see what it looks like here:
and use the search bar for specific people, servers, or guild stats.
Warcraft logs gives a snapshot of their gear set up.
You guys are so helpful.
another question - it seems some people post from a character they have in retail - how would I grab one of my old ones?
If it’s on the same account, click your avatar icon in the top right of the screen and at the bottom of the pop-out sidebar select ‘Change character.’ That will populate a list of your toons on the account, then click the one you want to post on.
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This, also wanted to add that if it doesn’t switch your character, you may have to log out/back in on the forum to get it to change.
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May be worth noting, that a person only shows up there if they do raid logs.
There was a classic armory addon/website being made, but i think it maybe died?
It would have let you export yourself and publish to the website, sort of like how classic guild bank works.
If you really want to check them out just look at their armory on ironforge(dot)pro. It can take time to update because you sometimes have to manually update the toon, but it’s there!
Those pointing out warcraft logs should also point out that will only show the relevant gear worn during the raid log event. 90% of my game time I am in my World/PvP gear, my PvE/Raid healing setup is different with a few exceptions.
Yea but
Important note: only players seen on Warcraft Logs are available!
so, this also only covers people who log, or remember to log
best general thing i can find is using wowheads client, and exporting your character, but people cant go look you up
That’s sad.
I can still look up all my old ancient toons in EQ on Magelo. 
You know what’s fun? Uploading made-up logs. They’re pretty easy to fake and you can really mess with the stats on Warcraft Logs.
And get deleted fast by the mods ie wasting your effort.
Grats on being a 14 year old?
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Ahh but how would they know? Anyone can upload to Warcraft Logs and there’s little to no validation.
The data on that site is not worth much because of this. There’s pretty much no way they can validate logs so long as the uploads are formatted properly and are self-consistent.
I know of a few people deliberately skewing the stats on there because it suits their whimsy.
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