Ya'll would have died if you had to deal with Cataclysm Heroics pre nerf
It is not about that it is pretty simple, Blizzard didn't have to make it excruciatingly difficult to level a character keep the toughness for end content, experienced players don't want to go through this when leveling a new char/class. I already unsubscribed this is so dumb.
Btw those who think people don't quit over stupid chit like this you're wrong. I pay attention to people around me online and pretty much know their playing habits and these people play long hours especially at night. These people other then a small few logged out and even some of them bursted out in anger and have yet to see them online. Out of the 50ish people I see online every night I only saw about 12 or so. These people run dungeons every night for hopes of a mount just as me but you say people won't quit? Yes, keep believing it won't kill subs enough for blizzard to worry. If you think like that you must believe in fairies.
Been playing since day one and this just made me quit for the first time blizzard has a strong desire to fix thing that don't need to be fixed. F this game.
i find it very funny how all the players who are liking it are all lvl110 Of corse your going to be able to not be as effected your already all maxed out at that lvl... try hopping on a Lower lvl Toon and Trying to heal those dungeons in a toon that is not already fully Equipped! you will be singing a much different song about it then.
i do remember reading something about lvl 110 Toons not being As effected as other lvl toons...there was some mention of lvl 110 toons being neutral with the Changes. so of course you would like it. but your all saying To get a higher iLVL... how you suppose i do that when it was dungeons that i was doing it through, but can no longer do those dungeons.?
Anyway you look at it. New changes made Are the worst ever in the History of WoW! harder is good... to hard breaks the game... and This BROKE IT BEYOND REASON!
wait a minute, Legion 110 heroics were affected?
because... other than seeing a huge influx of people who have no clue what they're doing in them (and by huge, I mean the two randoms I've done since the patch hit had people who were clearly new in them), I haven't noticed any difference.
edit: oh, nvm
During the DUNGEON (Pandarian one)
I missed that in OP's word soup
edit again:
01/16/2018 11:10 PMPosted by
-Also, my Primary Language it is Not English.
I take back the word soup comment.
Personally love the new dungeons difficulty, I feel like I actually need to think about the moves I make and the crowd control is a dish out. I get some people are having trouble with it, but it’s a learning curve I feel like dungeons them selves should be more difficult than going through the world questing. thus giving you a better reward and in general learning to have a better control on your character.
TL:DR version - I like it.
Loving it.
I desperately miss the ZA and ZG 5 mans. They felt like 5 man raids, at release.
Now sure if satire or a common post from a future wow expansion...
01/17/2018 03:18 AMPosted by
Ya'll would have died if you had to deal with Cataclysm Heroics pre nerf
It is not about that it is pretty simple, Blizzard didn't have to make it excruciatingly difficult to level a character keep the toughness for end content, experienced players don't want to go through this when leveling a new char/class. I already unsubscribed this is so dumb.
Yes, I do. Every. Single. Time.
It's WHY I level a new character!
The last time a dungeon felt anything like a raid was when the troll heroics came out in Patch 4.1. Those were fun.
Otherwise if we're claiming low level dungeons are anything above slightly difficult with 7.3.5, let's just stop here.
Even Mythic dungeons don't feel anywhere near as difficult as raids, and Mythic+ is all about speed runs, not raid-like encounters.
01/18/2018 05:16 PMPosted by
As many players have noticed, changes to how creature health is determined in Patch 7.3.5 had a meaningful impact on some older raid content. This has been particularly noticeable in Warlords of Draenor and Mists of Pandaria raids. We’ve been discussing this topic constantly since the first threads popped up after the patch.
We want to be clear: our intention was never to greatly increase the difficulty of soloing old raid content for transmog or mount runs, but a side effect of the creature health tuning we did for leveling players. We’re currently working on a fix that will significantly reduce the health of Warlords and Mists raid bosses.
Thank you for all of your feedback and discussion on this issue. We’re sorry for the frustration, and we’re working to have you all back in there beating down those old raid bosses as soon as possible (hopefully before the weekend).
I just saw that guys...
Sure I believe them.
Sure. Is it fixed?
Old dungeons definitely don't feel like raids. They feel like mythic+2.
Mobs that hit harder and soak up tons more damage is by definition "harder".
However, in my opinion it doesn't make it any more entertaining. Engaging and challenging are something I completely agree with -- The same old crap, just longer (time sinks), no thanks - Ill stick to quests.
Ya'll would have died if you had to deal with Cataclysm Heroics pre nerf
I remember that, I also remember Blizzard caving fairly quickly. Dollar Dollar Bills YO!
Mobs that hit harder and soak up tons more damage is by definition "harder".
However, in my opinion it doesn't make it any more entertaining. Engaging and challenging are something I completely agree with -- The same old crap, just longer (time sinks), no thanks - Ill stick to quests.
This is their goal. They want to completely break people of spamming dungeons while leveling by making dungeons unrewarding and pointlessly hard.
And after they have completely broken players of spamming dungeons while leveling, they fully expect that new players will suddenly reach cap and start spamming dungeons like experts.
The amount of crying over "difficulty" in dungeons made me laugh at first. Now it's starting to get sad. Are there really this many people who have no idea how to play this game?
"Waaaaaaa i can't stand in the fire and 1 shot a boss anymore waaaaaaa"
How did we get to this? Hopefully this crowd will soon give up and leave.
Hopefully this crowd will soon give up and leave.
Who do you think makes up the bulk majority of subscribers? If they leave, then you won't get new expansions. Kind of a catch 22.