Ive played the beta and tested the enchants. Only thing that ever made a slight impact was the weapon enchant frozen devotion or w/e its called. And thats already been nerfed. Im not trolling just speaking from experience.
However it’s wrong and very high rated pvp comes down to the tiniest margins.
But ty
The amount of times I’ve died with .01 sec left on a stun… PLease… why are you the way you are? You think I’d let my team wipe because I didn’t pay the extra gold? wtf???
I highly doubt a sprinkle of int and 1% mana makes a big diff. Anything less than 5% of mana is “oom” imo. Again, stop stressing about chants n’ gems and save your gold on something worthwhile.
thank you all for trolling me to oblivion and not once helping me with what I asked. woulda been 100000x better if you never responded to troll me. but ok. good stuff.
Im not trolling ya, just speaking the honest truth. In pvp you are scaled to 421/424. Gems and enchants at that level of stats make a marginal impact. Weighing your w/l in pvp with such tiny effects wont help. Instead worry about how you react to situations, watch playbacks, etc. What cds are used are 1000000x more important than worrying about how exactly an enchant that gives 1% mana works.