So basically early in the season I was getting mixed signals that quality didn’t matter in pvp. I asked in trade chat, and the only person to reply told me, believably, that quality only applied to PvE. I thought that made total sense and was a rare but sensible rule by Blizzard.
But it turns out this is only half true. Crafted items do not matter the Quality level, they’re all 424 item level anyways. But crafted gems/enchants matter?
My only question, is how is anyone supposed to know what matters in PvP and what doesnt? How am I supposed to know to buy a T1 crafted helmet and boots, but get t5 enchants and gems?
Well, the tooltips say how they work, provided they’ve fixed them.
The tooltips dont say either way whether they work in PvP or not, it’s just ambiguous, whereas the PvP gear it actually tells you the IL in PvP. And the other crafted gear says nothing about not working in PvP, even though it doesnt, so I am forced to believe the tooltips do not apply to pvp
I come from a time in wow where there was a secret list of things that worked and didnt work in PvP… there were no tooltips that told you what happened in a PvP instance, you just had to trial and error.
I don’t expect anyone to read this and think anything other than I’m a stupid idiot for not fully believing the tooltips… but the tooltips are literally lying right now, so how can I? the PvP gear obviously says what works in PvP, so why is it only for specific enchants/gems?
I hope that made sense… but from this POV theres literally no way to tell other than assumptions
Should’ve seen them back in the day when they didn’t update with stats.
Well that’s exactly what I’m saying. It’s not that I don’t believe tooltips, it’s that I’m the ONLY PERSON ON EARTH??? WHO KNOWS THEYRE LYING… (I’m operating on this TRUE belief that they’re all wrong, just like back in the day)
The crafted PvE gear says nothing about the set bonus not working in PvP.
But the crafted PvP gear says exactly how it works in PvP
So I’m supposed to magically know which items are PvP-enabled and which aren’t?
How did YOU learn that enchants/gems are quality based but not gear?
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I put the small one on and it made my stats go up, so I put on a bigger one and it made my stats go up more.
#1 that’s not an option… as in, there HAS to be some other way. I’m not the type of person to hinder my gold/character just to learn how it works, unless the game was designed that way
I guess my point is, that if you were told quality only mattered in PVE, like me, would you ever do those gold-expensive tests?
It doesnt feel like a viable solution for Blizzard to expect every person to buy the best enchant, then queue up a rated battle just to test it
I’m just trying to figure out how a normal person is supposed to learn all this day 1 instead of week 4 in the season after sucking a bag of d*s all month like me?
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Rank 1 and 2 enchants can be as little as like 5g
Also it’s generally fine to just assume enchants work normally in everything. I don’t remember when they didn’t.
yeah but the weapon enchant and unique gem enchant alone are like half of my gold, and I have to do that on 3 characters. And I 've been farming gold nonstop since the expac start.
But i cant sell anything because you have to spam post on the AH to sell anything
I honestly might not log in for a long long time just because of the gold sink alone. I cant remember a season where PvPers have had to pay so much gold just to play at the top tier… really makes me feel like Blizz is just trying to force tokens on pvpers
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Then I’d recommend buying a cheapo enchant of your preferred stat.
I did keys and arena without a weapon enchant. 
I mean, regardless, is THAT the designed method? to buy everything to test it?
Frankly im f* pissed off that I
#1 Had no way to learn this in-game
#2 1 have to re-buy every f* enchant and it WILL bankrupt me after I spent the last month sweatily farming gold/professions
(I restarted this expac with nothing)
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Nah, don’t worry about it. Buy a cheapo enchant to tide you over and figure it out later. No sense in stressing over having the bis enchant during week 2 or whatever, especially on 3 alts.
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I mean honestly I can’t, for rated PvP it’s a different beast, it’s not whether or not I can heal everyone
it’s an actual requirement to get as high rated as possible, in PvP you really can’t queue without the bis.
I still do the most healing of anyone else my class, but you just can’t push rated pvp being suboptimal
I didn’t even buy enchants on two chars until after they were 1800
Just get a less expensive one, they’re fine
When you find out let the game devs know.
thats 1800 lol, no offense. i wanted to push r1 this season
(whether its stupid or not doesnt matter, its literally the game design to be as optimal as possible… thats the entire point of an RPG game lol)
Dumping ones entire net worth into a weapon enchant for a Rival push is less than efficient, I think.
Why do forum people always have to try to twist a conversation into their way?
If youre confused or hurt ego then just dont reply, brother lol.
If you’re playing an RPG you want to be optimal. That’s literally the entire point of RPGs is to make your character as good as possible.
Why’d you try to take this convo elsewhere? RIVAL? lmao who said Rival?
Also you have no grounds to stand on to tell me to play the game less good… lol what?
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I’m saying that these measures may be unnecessary.
Yeah, sure, but I’m not spending 150k on a single weapon enchant last week.