How do you heals do it?

I’m sure it’s happened a few times, but it is by no means a common occurrence. I’ve definitely been tempted, but winning takes precedence, and I don’t have the time nor energy to waste on paying attention so that the one person doesn’t get healed (and with all of the AOE heals, it would be a wasted effort anyway because they will get healed by you somehow regardless).

It works out though that I am generally not near the nasty person to even heal them, and the people who honestly have that bad of an attitude are pretty rare.

Ignore works great too, when it’s needed. It shuts them up. And you heal whoever is close, and if they overextend and die, well, that’s on them.

Panda’s only strategy:

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Just a few suggestions from your all-too-friendly neighbourhood Holy Priest:

• Learn to laugh at all the “Rando rage.”
• Don’t waste your time arguing with “Randos” (there’s no point when they fully believe they are in the right).
• Don’t let “Randos” get you down with their criticism. The only sure-fire way to not improve is to give up.
• Always do your best, for your own sake. Don’t be one of those healers that gets salty and /AFKs or refuses to heal. You won’t get better by practicing being salty.
• Play a lot (i.e.: practice).
• If you’re new to PVP healing, you have to give yourself time to learn how to do it, effectively. PVP isn’t PVE. They do not translate very well. PVP is fast-paced and chaotic. You can’t really prepare for each encounter. PVE is more like a choreographed dance (i.e.: stand here, don’t stand here, etc.). You know the fights ahead of time.
• That said, be fair with yourself: realize that you are NOT a perfect player and that there is always room for some improvement; however, don’t let “Raging randos” decide where/how you can improve, seeing as the majority of them have never PVP healed in their life. They know nothing but DPS (if that, mind you).

If I think of more later on, I’ll add them.


Well said.

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Both alliance & horde need more people like this. :clap:

  • Stay behind the team.

  • Line of sight.

  • Make sure the DPS peels.

  • Try not to be the one guarding nodes.


Mentally prepare to never get a peel. That way when you do it’s more like an exciting birthday present your rich aunt gives you 6 months after your birthday that she just found in her closet.

Positioning is everything. The closer you are to the middle of the chaos, the higher the chance of you needing a peel or two to survive which will likely never happen. See number 1 above.

Have fun and find things that make it fun. Counter troll the trolls. Enrage the ones enraged.

Don’t heal pandas.


It is not true. I heal on alliance and horde. Horde target healers and will peel for theirs. Alliance typically doesn’t do either. That means that dps is at fault for lack of heals. If you let your healers get targeted and let dps freecast on the, you don’t deserve heals. If you dont target their healers, you also dont deserve heals.


Lot’s of long heart to hearts/pep talks from @jugajr

Sometimes we go get ice cream after if she feels like I tried really hard


Can confirm!

Well… @Ceeplar, you can’t really make sure the DPS peel. It’s like @Jdpp said, “Mentally prepare to never get a peel.” That is the best possible attitude. Don’t expect “Randos” to help you or you’re just going to be disappointed.

If you’re getting focused with no peels in a random BG, I’d say take that time to just practice being an annoying livelord that literally requires a coordinated effort to take down. That, in and of itself, can be a lot of fun and very rewarding IMO. It’s always a point of pride when it takes like 6+ people chaining CC’s/stuns/maledicts (etc.) to take you down. Makes you feel like a raid boss. You might not win the random BG, but at least you can know that you were still trying and doing your utmost. You can know that you were still improving as a PVP healer. There is an old saying, and it goes a little something like this:

“You don’t get stronger by lifting feather weights.”

This idea is applicable here.


Sometimes you can tank the 5-6 noobs trying to tunnel you long enough for your team to kill the enemy healers and finally move on to killing the ones attacking you. I consider that carrying the team since that mage never nova’d or boomy never mass entangled the 3 demon hunters getting their lips wet on your butt.

Going against 5 fire mages all casting gpyro isn’t fun though. It’s ok to not heal the offense group on that one.


I do some of my best healing against five fire mages, although most of it is in spirit form.


I just love it when I hear people ask why are they not being healed. There is often just one healer and if in WG I am running with the FC and I never go in mid where most hang out.


Healing (across many alts) is my favorite thing about WoW. It’s why I still play.

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Often there are multiple healers and I still don’t get heals. Even when I’m carrying the flag.

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-your team is dumb.
-enemy team mongos people down in 2 seconds.
-healers oom in 1 minute.
-some healers cant even give big mongo heals to save from big mongo damage.
-you arent playing your class right.
-learn to juke kicks
-dodge traps
-LoS enemies but not your team (your positioning is buns)

Welcome to healing mate. Every now and then you might want to just get into a giant aggro with someone, teach em a lesson, and vent some steam.

Done that with my rogue. I will cc or try to cc the healer and get them down to 50%. Then they heal themselves in an instant to full health. All my cooldowns are still cooling off. Then I get pinched by the entire Horde team.

So, do you say the same thing to every healing post that does pvp?