How do you heals do it?

I’ve only been healing BG’s for 1 day and apprently every loss my fault. IMMA go DPS after this BS


Pandas always lose.


Are people telling you it’s your fault? What’s the ilvl of the character on which you were healing?

I never blame healers for a loss. But, if I’m not getting any heals, I do voice my frustration.


I’d like to say it’s going to get better but it won’t. Playing a Healer in Random BG’s is probably the hardest thing in the game.

Develop a very thick skin. When you’re comfortable, take charge and tell the group in prep how you are going to handle heals.

People that look for others to blame are usually not contributing much themselves.

I was in Eye the other day where I called for 2 dps to go to BET at the start. We ended up holding 3 bases for the majority of the game, but this one guy was raging the entire time about the flag being free for Horde characters and that he was getting no heals.

Cast Mind Vision on him and he was running solo into the middle where 6-7 Horde were waiting for flag to respawn, rather than guarding DR that was under attack.

At any rate, we won, and I even outdamaged him as a healer. If I could put tape over my healing bars to prevent me from healing people like that I would. I tend to not heal people that complain about lack of heals. Which oddly mostly seem to be classes that have the ability to heal themselves if they wanted guaranteed heals.


Having good gear helps quite a lot. :stuck_out_tongue:
If you can survive someone blowing all of their cooldowns against you, it’s a lot less frustrating.


I don’t usually have an issue and all I do is heal for PvP.

As mentioned above, getting more gear definitely helps. It’s a lot easier when you don’t have 90k health. You survive longer when you’re targeted, which survival was my biggest frustration when I got back into PvP (because of 90k health).

Oh, I did change up a few talents too which worked wonders in terms of fluidity.

Most DPS has no idea what it’s like to heal a battleground. Any barely competent team will focus you all match long, making it really hard for you to heal effectively.

The DPS who complain about not getting heals not only never have healed a BG in their lives. They also have never bothered to target an enemy healer in their lives.


I just spam greater heal and roll with the hate. Some people just don’t want to take the blame for not doing enough damage or enough CC on enemy healers.

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This, and never bothered to peel for their own healers.

Sorry, (not sorry) I couldn’t heal you. All the melee sitting on me didn’t want me to, so I played with them instead.


I know your pain; there are two solutions:

  1. Reroll as Horde.
    … or …
  2. Group up with a couple of decent players. I hear there may be a few of these over on the Alliance side.
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Yes if you play horde you can just stand behind the range with the other 8 heals and be immortal.


So not true … anyway tell your alliance buddies to target horde healers first .

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True in WG at SR.
Pumped deep into the back line of heals with air soft nerf ammo.

Baaah… no one cares about healers in WG. :joy::joy:

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What made me cry was the Druid healer had 125ish hp buffed. I gave him/her everything I had and it was like hitting a training dummy.

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Seriously though it is amazing the skill gap of healers out there. I go against a random healer with 210k hp and I mow them down. Then I go against a 120k hp healer of the same class and spec and I can’t get them below 40%.

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You’re funny!

Off topic and defying your sarcasm but I’ll go with it.

Ran an M+ with a trash geared prot pally. Almost left but decided I was bored. Omg this person was sooooooo good. It was a pleasure to watch them work.

One more side note. As of right now there are 13 M+ in lfg right now. #alliancelife

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Just switch to Horde if you are a solo/PUG type. Trust me the PvE quality of life is simply much better, especially if you like to dabble in M+ like me

Last night during prime-time (after I called it quits from an abysmal night of Alliance epics) there was legit like 5 pages of M+ runs listed in the Horde PUG finder. My fresh Nightborne alt that I leveled up last month is only 388 iLvL and I pushed my +7 key to a 10, then did the 10 right afterwards. So I knocked out my +10 weekly chest for that toon in about an hour.

Getting carried (for free) by all the over-geared Hordies in the PUG finder, feelsgood :cowboy_hat_face: :+1: