How do you have your hotkeys setup?

I’ve moved away from MMO Mice over time and I’m with a Zowie FK2 atm so these are my binds!

Edit: I also have other binds ofc on the sidebars for macros/misc

Another Edit cause I forgot something: I use the addon Binder and swap around all my binds with profiles for each class/spec :slight_smile:

I have been using a Razor gamepad and a multi button mouse for so long I am actually not sure I could play with just a standard keyboard and mouse anymore.

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I have the spellbook bound to P, next page and previous page bound to right arrow and left arrow respectively. And left click bound to left click so I can use the spells.


123 for my main skills and middle mouse button for beam.

4 for meta.

Too many skills tbh.

I actually have two different set-ups, one that I use mainly for healing and some Ranged DPS, and one that I use mostly for melee DPS.

I’d say the healing one is pretty standard but consistent: Heals on the side buttons of my Naga, DPS spells with shift + side buttons, move with ESDF (it’s better than WASD), I need to keyboard turn when healing sometimes so W/R for that, 1-4 for defensives/potions, q/a/z for mobility, 5/t/g/v for utility/CC. Also, holding shift swaps to a different set of actions bars so every button has the normal spell and the option to have a different one when using shift (the action bar swapping is nice because I don’t need to make a macro to add the shift modifier).

My melee set-up is VERY unique, ESDF and W/R are no longer for movement or turning and instead those are my main rotational spells. I use a different way for moving my character than the norm: Left click is strafe left, right click is strafe right, click both for moving forward, and I use buttons on the side of my mouse for the normal right/left click functions. This way I get full control of my character on my right hand with only 3 buttons: Left click, Right click, side button to lock screen (what the default left-click does).

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i have them set up in a way that doesn’t make sense on paper because I have a logitech g600.

that said keybinds are 100% subjective and what works for you wont always work for someone else.

ESDF for movement - my hands are a bit wonky and it’s easier for me.
All the keys around it have an ability bound to it. (Q to Y A to G and Z to V.)

My main rotational abilities are usually always on my two button mouse.

Oddly, my shadow priest is the only spec I play where I have absolutely nothing bound to the mouse.


I never liked the idea of keybinding half my keyboard to do my rotation. Always felt janky.

So I use MMO mice and just bind everything to 1 thru =, scroll wheel up, scroll wheel down, and middle mouse button. Shift and Ctrl modifiers if I need more.

Interrupt is always Shift + 1.
Movement is always Shift + 3. Throw Shift + 2 in if there’s more than one.

CTRL modifiers generally end up being utility of some kind. Purge, tremor totem, pally blessings, that kinda stuff.

Oh, that’s a good idea!
I’ve been told countless times I need an MMO mouse to make things easier

It’s not easy to set-up though, it actually requires an addon. I’ll share it latter if you are interested in trying.

My ~ to 4 are shapeshifts. ` being cat, 1 bear, 2 travel, 3 moonkin, 4 stag.

My main keys are

The rest are on my Naga buttons. I am a Mythic raider, so I obviously move with my mouse.

I always set E as my central combo point/resource builder, R as the spender, B as main AoE spell, Y my speed buff, and shift-E my defensive CD, G is my interrupt. $ is my leap/blink. C is stealth, or shift-C for Shadowmeld/invis.

Beyond that, anything goes. Ctrl keybinds are for my UI, which I think suits it nicely.

My rotation always starts at slot 2 followed by progressively longer cd attacks on 3 and so on, and 1 is always the filler attack. 7 through = is usually utility stuff for said build. The 6 slots after that are always profession stuff. The front side bar is healing items and buff items, and the back side bar is for things that have to be used like the fish you click on to make oils.

Page 2 I have fishing for 1 because its spammed… a lot, followed by more profession skills. If that makes sense.

This is in general because its the same logic I used for all chars and builds.

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1 Siphon Life
2 Haunt
3 Unstable Affliction
4 Corruption
5 Agony
6 Shadow Bolt
7 Phantom Singularity
8 Trinket (in case it doesn’t go off with the macro)
9 Trinket+Dark Soul Macro
10 Dark Glare
- Soul Stone
= Infinite Augment
` Command Demon
Q Healthstone
E Condensed Life Force
Shift E Seed of Corruption
R Death Bolt
F Fear or Burning Rush, depends on if I’m using Burning Rush or not
Shift F Demonic Gateway
T Shadowfury
M4 Bag of Tricks
Shift+M4 Unending Resolve
M5 Mortal Coil
Shift M5 Cloak active

Rest are just on a secondary bar, like for mounts, summons, etc. Usually use Shift 1, 2, and 3 to swap between different bars since I use Shift 2 for generic raid things like summoning portal, soul well, travel yak, mail whistle, and Shift 3 for profession buttons.

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just found out I dont have trust 3 anymore :/.

lemme get on my warrior real quick, thats a more accurate set up

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“I am still gud, tho.” nice try, my research says no

Casting spells from the book, like a true paladin.

I have a tartarus set up to use the 19 keys divided among the first 6 slots of the 3 lower action bars.

I have a Naga set up to main rotation, targeting and emergency rotation on 1, 2, 3.
movement support (jump, auto run, etc) on 4, 7, 10. Some “duo slots” (macros for 2 or more slots) in 5,8,11 and 6,9,12.

And I use keyboard shortcuts on F keys to profession, bags and setup.

I use shift, control and alt for changing the slot function in macros. Like if I use control to the emergency rotation it is a escaping rotation, but if I use shift is a mild recup rotation.

For literally all toons…

1-5: Primary Rotation
Shift+ 1-5: Racial, defensive cooldowns, utilities (like stealth)

R- burst CD or major Rotational ability, stun
s+ R- burst CD or major rotational ability, stun other CD

T- Heal, taunt, aggro, defensive
s+ T- Heal, taunt, aggro, defensive (aoe), trinket

F- stun, interrupt, dispel, CC
s+ F- stun, interrupt, dispel, CC (aoe)

G- AoE Rotation
s+ G- AoE Rotation, AoE CD, AoE burst, trinket

C- Speed boost, defensive
s+ C- speed boost, defensive, trinket

V- Slow, extra CD, CC
s+ V- Slow, extra CD, CC, pot, trinket (aoe)

Z- Mount (strictly)
s+Z- health Pot, utility, CD, pot, trinket (extra)

crt+ [any key]- Class specific extra, useless, I don’t care.

X- autorun because this literally is everything to me.

alt+ Z- sheath

This changes for some classes but this is the same template I use when binding for a character. Druids for example are very interesting to set up for me. :wink: