I just use 1-5, G1-G6 on my keyboard, and everything else is bound to a thirty button mouse. I play mostly with just one hand due to disabilities in both, so I prefer having everything tight and in one place if I can.
1-= on the keyboard. 1, 2, 3, 0, -, = are my most frequently used keys, so the first three are for my left hand, and the other three are bound to my three side mouse buttons. Been like that since the beginning.
Main (dis wun):
1-4 Mounts, and potions.
Main abilities are set up via rotation…I’m a clicker. Yeah, I said it!! I am still gud, tho.
Mouse 4:
Feign Death
all over the creation. no seriously. i still use wasd for movement too. got all my numpad, directionals, and razer trinity all binded. ironically i only use the wasd on the left hand side of the keyboard. unorthodox probably but works out for me. it seems everytime i leave for a long hiatus and come back i gotta bind everything from scratch cause i forget how it was lol.
Same, but I use the F keys instead of the Shift button.
My most used abilities are 1-6(ish) and F1-F4. My F keys are usually universal across all classes. F1 is movement, F3 is a shield or armor buff, F4 is an interrupt, etc.
I’ve got a razer naga 12 button, so 1 thru = primary, shift+above main utility, alt+above more utility. mouse wheel button is usually stuff like cheap shot, m5 mouse button blind. some abilities are always the same keybinds for all classes I play : 0 is defensive or self healing, shift+5 is sprint or similar, shift+9 is stealth. I use a razer tartarus too, just more comfortable for my wrist.
None, I’m a clicker. Yeah I’m bad and stuff. The only things I bind are abilities that need to be targeted on the ground like heroic leap or Meta I usually putthose on R/G/F.
I actually started as a binder lol, over time I just randomly started clicking and stayed that way. I’m just lazy as to learn binds specially between different characters and builds and class changes etc… so for me clicking is faster. Even when I did pvp like that hah, I’m not a keyboard turner so that helps.