How do you guys manage to play every day?

I can’t play everyday either. Every few days on average, sometimes once a week. Just have too many things to do and too little interest in the story any more.

Fun, I guess =/

I dunno, I can’t play for hours on end, but then again I have limited time anyway. So 2 hours uninterrupted is a huge rarity and I will usually smash out as much M+ as I can with my friends because I find that fun.

On tuesday I go through on 4 chars and pick up all shadowlands weeklies and callings, then I go through them through the week and try to get as much done as I can. Typically start with PVP weeklies, then do some stuff for vault and callings through the week. The goal is to round up all the lowest hanging fruit gold then buy WoW tokens.

I’m a very goal orientated person. So I set short, mid and long term goals and work to achieve them. I’m a collector at heart so there is an overwhelming amount of things to do.

Up to legion this was usually gearing a main, completing as many achievements as possible, maxing out every rep, than spending my remaining time messing around in BG’s and leveling up alts and gearing them using whatever catch up mechanics there were.

Since legion alts have been dead and there are now to many things to complete, I can’t do it all. Add to this the amount of things that have been removed from the game that I don’t have and “completing” anything is a waste of time as its not really complete at all. Plus any time I change toons I have to do all of the achievements and reps yet again, many of which take far more time than when they were current (looking at you legion fishing reps that take 40 times longer.)

I had hopes DF would change this as we were told that everything was going account wide. I should have know this was an overstatement as reps are not going account wide just that we can buy items as if we were exalted (not the issue I had.) Nor are achievements which are getting more filters but will still show the name of whom it was achieved with. This would have saved me so much time that I could use actually advancing my account.

I’m just worn out and finding it hard to have motivation to do anything at all. I used to spend 12+ hours a day on any time I had a day off (4 days a week) and often would do 2+ day benders because I would get into working on something like the insane title or loremaster. Now I find it hard to even log in myself.

It also doesn’t help that there are now so many of every type of collectable that getting any single one no longer feels as good. I got a raid mount this week after years of farming and didn’t even feel pleasure. Its just one of 500 that I’m still missing. I just feel so apathetic about all of it. I don’t even think I realized how bad it was until I wrote this post out.

Finally getting just about anything in game no longer feels like an accomplishment. Its all based on either shear luck (3 months of no vault drops despite half my gear needing upgrades yet seeing others get multiple BiS with leech or avoidance plus gem slots) or on how much money you spent. I think the only thing I feel proud to have achieved in SL is completing the tank mage tower. Its the one thing you can not buy and the rewards are guaranteed.

Edit: I know the game doesn’t make me get every rep on every toon. However my OCD does. Bars not being filled and having different words bothers me a great deal (and its already bad with the way they mix exalted reps with best friend reps, I would pay money to be able to sort these as I wish, please add API calls that allow us to sort rep and achievement arrays based on date completed, difficulty, type, by dungeon or raid, and other criteria and apply different tiered priorities so we can make addons to sort as we please.)

why in the world would i play this game every day

Wish I have more play time. Last week and this week, I only played 2 days per week. But I am happy to complete at least 4x M+15’s and up. I just have to do what I could do.

It was pretty painless for me but whatever.

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2 : lacking intelligence or sophistication … trust me when I say that I am, in fact, a slack-jawed yokel in the Big City who doesn’t understand how things work.— Tracy Moore

Exactly what you are doing for 15 minutes… sitting open mouthed at your PC in bewilderment of what to do with yourself. I just wish I had that kind of time to waste , sitting there with no neurons firing for 15 minutes must be bliss.

There, did that help you?

My response will probably get lost in the masses, but here goes.

I enjoy the game, I enjoy the mindset of getting into different alts, especially if I’m still leveling them, which to me is the fun of the game. I don’t sit around waiting for dungeons or raids, I play the game, leveling, questing, pet battling, mount farming. I admit I spend WAY too much time sitting at areas like Sha of Anger, Rustfeather etc for some mounts, but overall I’m usually actively doing something. I love flying mounts, ground mounts and just doing quests.
I do have days where I am bored or can’t decide who to play or level, and those days I just sit here and watch a tv show or movie instead, or do something else. Not a big deal.

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Personally, I don’t play every day. In a lull like this, I might play once a week for a few hours.

I guess I could do the other covenants and get some game time in but they aren’t very interesting to me.

at these end of patch lulls I go back and work on Loremaster or old mounts/achievements/etcetera.

Right now, I am on a break. Hit a point where it is hard to get upgrades in the vault, harder to get them outside of the vault. Content feels a bit stale. Playing single player games.

When there is more that I want to do, which is usually the case, it is hard not to log on. Maybe xmog hunting, maybe something else–but there is usually a hook. SL has managed to break this feeling a few times for me now. Dragonflight is looking a lot better, fortunately!

During a lull like this I usually do some mount/xmog farming on alts then log on my main and just run around the cities looking for people that have their pets summoned and use Magical Pet Biscuit on every single pet I see. (:

Same :blue_heart: I love being in the world and rp’ing in my mind.

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WoW suffers from the same problems people have IRL. The “swipe right” nature of human interaction that the internet and social media has spawned.

This translates to WoW with overly easy grouping mechanisms that take all of the socialization out of the process. Yes, I know it’s nice to have convenience, but when things become too convenient - the ancillary elements lose value.

Without going too deep into it, I’ll just say that there’s a price to pay for convenience. The result is a rather hollow experience. Auto-grouping might as well just be groups of NPCs. Honestly, with how good bot AI is, most people wouldn’t be able to tell the difference.

That’s really unfortunate in the long run, because at that point - for all intents and purposes - you’re just playing a single-player game.

I understand that there are many players that don’t mind this. Maybe, the game has cultivated this audience with the aforementioned mechanics, but I don’t think it has led to a better game experience for the majority.

I’ve been playing WoW since the beginning, though on and off through out the years. What keeps me playing is all the time that I’ve put into my character. It’s hard to let go in a way, and I still, to this day, find the game enjoyable.

A lot has changed, but I still find myself playing WoW, somedays for sure I log on for a little bit then log off, but some days I enjoy doing achievements, transmogs and mount runs.

Also depends what’s going on in the week, timewalking, pvp, etc…

But that’s the honest answer, I think I’ll continue to play this game to the very end. I’m about to get married and start a family, so I’m sure that will cut into my playtime, but that’s okay.

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Hello brother of the light.

I stay, to vanquish the evil Horde in PVP.

Light speed my friend and light bless you. :innocent:

Early in a season it’s all about getting the best I can get. Later, I definitely don’t get once a day.

I took advantage of the XP boost and am leveling a priest. I’ll do LFR and get slime cat, then I’ll unsub. I find myself in the same situation though–SLs isn’t fun.

I’m not saying that one is better or worse than the other, but our playstyles are nearly opposite to each other. I play for the story via questing (on both factions) and to collect things (transmog, pets, mounts). Endgame group content is of little to no interest to me. The fact that WoW can easily accommodate both playstyles demonstrates how well-rounded of a game it really is in my opinion.

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