How do you get skinning knowledge points?

ive been skinning for 3 hours now and not a single knowledge point at all…

Did you go to a trainer and learn the new TWW skinning?

yeah. its level 100/100 maxed out. but for some reason, skinning doesnt seen to give knowledge. unless im wrong. it rarely did in dragonflight.

Ah, I misunderstood. I was thinking skill points, not knowledge points. I think they’re disabled until the 26th, so ea players don’t get too far ahead.

Not sure about getting the points while skinning. You can pickup some items for some free points.

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I don’t think you can get knowledge points during early access. You may need to wait until the actual launch on 26th.

Edit: Oh. Guess I remembered wrong. Nevermind that then.

You don’t get knowledge points from skinning. Just like you didn’t in DF. You get knowledge points from items and some quests. I’ve gotten like 3 knowledge points so far, from picking up random items on the ground. MOST of the sources of knowledge points are disabled during EA, but the little items you pick up on the ground that are worth 1-3 points are available.

I can’t speak for skinning, but with herbalism and mining, I’ve been getting knowledge points from gathering and I’ve been using them.


this is incorrect. you get rare items from skinning itself that would use to gain points.

Only source of knowledge points for gathering right now are the treasure items you can find in the world. The items that drop off mobs/nodes seem to be disabled.

knowledge points from mining and herb isnt disabled. i got a lot.

They’re not. I have 18 herbalism KP and 13 alchemy KP already.

There are 8 herbalism treasures. Sounds like you found 6 of them so far.

in dragonflight, you could skin a blue or epic quality item like very rarely (sometimes 1 per hour or two) but it would use to give knowledge points.
does such an item drop not exist in war within?

I assume they may later on, with more elite creatures. I have not encountered any yet. I’ve only encountered litte treasures on the ground so far.

Can you use them?

I spent last night herbing and mining. I’ve got atleast a dozen+ points in each.

Knowledge point gains are disabled I think for early access. Not sure if 100% though.

I know at least you can’t do the weeklies.

Edit: I stand corrected.

the fact its vague and no one knows an answer is why the system is annoying and bad

Yes, I’ve already unlocked sub-specializations.