I really wanted this. Hearing gears grind, seeing sparks and springs fly.
This and an irradiated look would be so cool. I use the shirt for that effect.
Something that I found fascinating was that Mechagnomes had a kind of caste system and you could tell them apart based on the amount or quality of their enhancements. It got me thinking about how cool a Mechagnome would look with more primitive or cobbled together junk enhancements.
I think robes on them are bearable. So be a robe wearing class. Lock or Mage. Their racials are amazing for either. The stat increase? The Cheat death? I have always leveled my rogue just so I had a toon to open lock boxes on. My mechamage (what I call her) can do that also! I thought id hate playing one. But she grew on me fast. I love her
I made mine for the lols but I still like him. I think he’s cute and the swimming animation is the best in the game. I’m not really in it for the looks though. He’s a joke character but one I’ve had a lot of fun on. Like this one time when I did a trial of style where everyone was cheering and clapping for me and they gave me first place. I also met my WoW best friend on him. I love my mechagnome
Mages are fun on mechagnome. You can summon a small army with the racial and mirror image, which is hilarious. Also, the racial will grab aggro but die very fast, so its useful out in the world when you get jumped. I drop them then blink away. The heal is great for mages too, since we no longer have any self-healing abilities.
Mine is fire spec and I imagine him as a little sentient flamethrower. Good times!
I think an Undermine Goblin Allied Race would be so cool. I picture them being themed 1920s Gangster with tommy guns. Give them a few prosthetic options and they’d be a lot of fun.
Two wildly popular things I could never grasp the appeal of:
Nintendo Wii – The popularity of this ridiculous contraption was just insane, and I’ve never had even one teeny tiny sliver of desire or temptation to ever have one.
Mechagnomes – These are the only things in the entirety of the game that I’ve ever looked closely at and literally felt nauseous.
I have nothing against Gnomes. Love 'em. They’re amazeballs.
I also have nothing against amputees with artificial limbs. Rock on.
But these creepy, wobbly little cybernetic terminators give me the heeby jeebies. I mean… literally just a tiny flesh torso and partial head with the rest being mechanical?
Zooming in to get a close look at these things and seeing their hip joints and such churning and grinding…
There’s some sort of Mechagnome love thread or whatever with multiple thousands of posts in it of people celebrating their love for these vicious little terminators.
I went in that thread once. Once.
Remember Van Helsing from Hotel Transylvania? Total Mechagnome.
I’m telling you, one of these days Skynet is gonna flip the switch and trigger the internal programming in these things, and we are DOOMED!