How do you get back to Mechagon?

3 millisecond search, on google:

[Posted May 25]
[Posted May 25]

Horde players can talk to Captain Krooz at the Port of Zandalar to return to Mechagon at any time. Alliance will have a similar Gnome NPC equivalent located in Boralus after they finish the quest line.

But I’m not finding a “fast” alliance one.


I see no such marker in Dazar’alor. The only one visible on the map is the boat to Echo Isles. Ugh so stupid I can’t post the pic. >_<


Alliance fans like Sephiroth?

There is a marker

I have not found one either. This is what happens when even Blizzard depends on Third Parties to inform their customers.

I am like a lot of people and play multiple 120 level characters for both factions. There is no doubt Dazar’alor is more annoying to navigate on a daily basis. I do not see why the cure for that is to make things more annoying for the other side in the following patch. They should really just be making it less annoying for the Horde.

Yeah, the Blizzard solution is to piss off everyone instead of making people happy. Apparently the best way to get us to play the game is to waste our time on it instead of enjoying or immersing ourselves in it. Otherwise we would remember portals exist or they would actually have a reason we cannot fly in new zones other than “because I said so.”

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Oh wow, unsubbing just for because you got to get your virtual character off that couch and fly for 2 mins, what’s wrong with this world?

If OP is mad, he is mad. Facts won’t change that. Solutions won’t change that.

Judging from the daily forums, we have a bunch of players that are permanently mad at Blizzard, and are just looking for excuses to create another angry complaining post…about anything!

Luckily, even though they fill up the forum, there are only 200 or 300 of those players…out of millions of total players. The game is fine.:man_firefighter:

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Use your hearthstone.

Not to say that people do not constantly rant and rave at the game on the forums and other venues because that is how they entertain themselves, but your numbers of 200 or 300 are just pure fiction.

I think the people Blizzard are more worried about are those that quit subscribing and complaining and moved on with their lives. Blizzard misses their money.

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NPC named Captain Krooz at 41.75, 87.43 in Zandalar has a sub to Mechagon.

It’s the west side. I had to figure that out for myself. Look at a compass, man.

I agree with you fully. Having said that, just today I found myself stalling to complete some quests cause I was going to miss running around and figuring out how to get to a place w/o just flying over there.

Also I think with how Blizz works now, the flight signals the true start of the end of the expansion. From here on out we become absolute monsters in power, every time every expansion.

seeing how people are in here, freaking out “oh, you don’t want to take a 7-minute taxi every time to get back to Mechagon, pff what an idiot” etc… reminds me why i only ever come to these forums to take a big dump and leave

if you are a reg here, your life took a very dark turn at some point

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Take the sub back where you met up with the goblins

it is hilarious, just resubbed for classic and popped in, every zone is a ghost town, even in Zandalar. Deadest i have ever seen wow. No guilds even tried to recruit me lmao.

I have to agree-I play Alliance and Horde, and the Horde home city this xpac SUCKS to get around, especially before you earn flying. Boralus is much easier to navigate, and everything you need is closer together. You also don’t need to run through areas of hostile mobs to get from place to place.

Nothing surprises me with Blizzard anymore. I’m more surprised by the fact that I continue to give them my money.

For alliance? It’s 2 minutes from boralus.

Buy Bolarus Teleport ring.
Set hearth to Mechagon.

I can’t find this supposed gnome captain. Can you give me a breakdown of where he is in Boralus please? And/or his name. I can’t find anything about this guy anywhere online. Everyone just says to fly.