How do you get back to Mechagon?

Lmao, so dramatic :joy:

:roll_eyes: I bet you watch the same channel on tv because the remote is out of reach.

Silly Quenya, that’s what children are for.

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I don’t believe the posts here. Horde has a NPC to talk to for transport, surely Alliance does too. I hear accusations of favoritism all the time, but I don’t think Blizzard would actually do something like this.

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LMAO nice troll or delusional cry baby can’t tell

I thought the same thing, Sephiroth, so I spent quite a while looking around trying to find an NPC that would transport me back to Mechagon. But I never found one. Hopefully there is one and I just missed it, but right now it’s looking to me like there isn’t an alliance counterpart to the horde transport NPC.


They have either done it or they are sniggering into their fists until Alliance finds the well-hidden portal to Mechagon. I have scoured the net and no one has found it, if it exists. The only known way for Alliance to get there is FP. This is effing ridiculous.

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Would be awesome if Alliance had an instant-travel, free way to Mechagon like Horde does.

Nope, we gotta pay gold and AFK for 2-3 minutes to get there.

I think the best you can do as Alliance is set your hearth in Mechagon and either use guild cloaks to portal to SW then Boralus or if you have the warfront ring you could just port to Boralus directly.

You’ve gotta remember though, Horde players have an epic trip down the pyramid, right from the top to the bottom, so far there’s a flight path to get you PART of the way there, and then spend another minute or two riding around to where the “portal” is.

But hey, I guess it “makes the world feel larger ™”


How is it lazy to NOT want to spend five minutes on a flight path, doing nothing?

Unsubbing is more like losing the TV remote, getting up, turning the damn thing off, and going outside to do something else entirely.

Geez you people act like taking a flight path is difficult and requires skill.



Like, there’s no shortage of unintuitive design in WoW, but this is just putting two and two together. Fly back there. Look at the map, to see if there’s one of those circular pinkish-red icons that are used for pretty much every other fast travel option. Oh look, there is one! I guess that means there’s fast travel, doesn’t it?

There are a lot of issues you can call Blizz on with this game, especially in this xpac, but this is something that should’ve been a no brainer unless you’re a) really new, or b) really stupid. Which is it?

Wow, I did not know this! Thanks. It sure would have been nice if Blizzard had told us. :frowning:

I love Alliance complaining about their flight, we’ve been using flightpaths to navigate our city hub for the entire xpac. lol

Lets not pretend Boralus isn’t far more efficient for the Alliance than Zuldazar is for the Horde, even if it is far less on the eyes.


We still have to fly down to the port and ride over to the sub. It’s not like the sub is in the portal room.

I just set my Hearthstone to Rustbolt.

Talk to the goblin at zandalar port and he will take you.

Just use the flight master in Boralus.

It’s not that Blizzard does stuff like this on purpose so much as the employees just give that extra bit of care to their own faction.

So Horde gets a little more polish and consideration, and Alliance gets a joke about horses on a powerpoint slide.

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Citation needed.