How do you gear up for PvP now?

Not to mention half or more of the covenant gear on my new alt has vers on it.


Rune carver guy is locked … we need to finish the quest chain to unlock him . :sob:

Playing alliance , it’s not hard at all to get honor . 2 minute queues and bonus honor.


My mind says Loktar Ogar, but my heart says FOR GNOMEREGAN…and Iron Forge.

Leveling queues are good on both. At the very least, leveling should be done in BGs if you want to do pvp… you start the covenant campaign with 12 or more renown and enough honor to contribute healthily to a pvp set.

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I hit 60 on my Druid and got a Legendary an hour later. I still haven’t rescued Thrall or Jaina. I think you only have to rescue Baine (if that).

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You rescue Baine as part of the chain then you find the Runemaker or writer whatever the bone guy a bit later. It isn’t too hard if you can solo Torghast 8 or get help.

Is the covenant gear random stats? I finished necrolord on my DK and every piece had vers. Have gotten 3 pieces for my new venthyr priest and no vers on any of them. Thought I was going to be able to use the covenant gear as my starter armor and already blew my 15k honour leveling my weapon and random gear.

I dont know all the covenant gear stats, but I have heard that not all have vers.

4 SV hunters in I can say pretty confidently that across 3 covenants, level9ng through BGs and buyong the honor gear at 60 feels the best in lvl 60 random BGs.