Edge of night, the cata stuff wc3 was all written when Mezten was the storyleader, all those books with sylvanas in them where she is crazy like war crimes, metzen was also the leader.
Sure, but it seemed as though they were changing her.
Then Teldrassil and Lordaeron happened.
How did it seem like that, the next big thing she did was become warchief then she helped the legion
Now hold on there. We can agree that Sylvanas is selfish and self centered, but I don’t believe she was trying to help the Legion during the Invasion. I think she was trying to attain true immortality and maybe(?) have a way to endlessly resurrect her people.
and helping the legion while she did that, she helped helya who was a legion ally who was helping guldan
Typically you don’t have great control over what you say during an outburst. That’s why it’s an outburst. Am I saying that BfA is a master stroke of writing? No. Was that moment in character? Definitely.
I agree that their change hasn’t been reflected well in-game.
Forsaken NPCs have almost always gobbled up the whole “Dark Lady” thing. That said, it hasn’t ever made sense that literally all of the Forsaken would be perfectly loyal to her. Especially if you consider how similar she has become to the Lich King over the years.
If she thinks that it’s on her terms and that it will help her reach her goals then that’s historically all that she has required to make a deal with someone.
Which brings me to my next point. We really don’t know much about this entity that she’s in league with. It’s a little early to say she’s being controlled by it, or that she’s serving it.
The whole predicament undead are supposed to have is being unemotional monsters. That’s the problem Sylvanas had too, being overly pragmatic, non-emotional. It makes no sense for her to go angry teenager for getting cut. She’s been in wars before, suffered far worse injuries. There’s no reason a freakin’ cut would do that to someone who’s supposed to be battle-hardened.
She’s heard about Old Gods before though. She was around when we fought C’thun, she was around when we fought Yogg. She was around in MoP and saw what happened to Garrosh. Like, what does she expect to happen? Outsmart a god that’s been around for who only knows how long?
She’s written like an idiot now.
Sylvanas has never been this emotional stone you make her out to be. She spent most of her unlife trying to kill the Arthas for petty revenge. She almost did but wanted to rub it in his face giving kelthuzad a chance to save him. She has always acted like a selfish child who gets upset when things don’t go her way.
Selfish? Sure. Childish?
Like she did when Genn broke her lantern, that’s the kind of anger expected. Not the stupid outburst crap.
Hey its probably part of the reason she went after nightelves, trying to Hurt Genn for breaking her toys.
That I would get. The whole ulterior thing.
The fact that she’s a cardboard cutout Scooby Doo character is degrading.
“Let me just announce the thing that will ruin the last x years of planning.”
I don’t do the big brother thing very well, so I don’t have any milk and cookies to offer you guys.
Eh? That’s news to me. That’s definitely something that people say about the Forsaken to demonize them in-game, but I’ve never seen anything that actually suggests that they’re remotely unemotional.
If they were, then I don’t know why they would have been completely driven by vengeance against Arthas, or why Voss and Stone would have struggled with their undeath, or why Zelling would have retained his love for his family, etc. Even going back to TFT; Sylvanas screwed up her chance to kill Arthas just because she wanted to rub her victory in his face and make him suffer. Then Kel’Thuzad ran her off and she got PO’d and swore that she’d get her revenge.
As for the cut in the cinematic; the amount of damage that it did to her was irrelevant. She snapped because Saurfang surprised her and she lost control of her perfect little plan for a moment. That’s pretty typical behavior for a control freak.
We don’t even know for sure that she’s treating with an Old God. This might be a death oriented counter-part to Elune, or even something entirely different. I’m not even convinced that they won’t pull some Kerrigan redemption BS by the end of the next expansion. Again, it’s a little early to be making assumptions on that end.
Even if it is Yoggy or another Old God; as long as she thinks that she has control of the situation, then yeah I’d say it’s in character. She started messing with the Valkyr in Cata, and then she meddled with Titan Watcher stuff in Legion. This seems like it’s just a continuation of that plan.
It sounds like you just don’t like that Sylvanas has any character flaws.
How do I feel?
Just tired.
And disappointed that they wasted a previously much more interesting character.
I just watched your video and it’s clear that the Forsaken have always been misunderstood good guys.
Nope. Every single one of her “victories” has relied on other characters holding the idiot ball, or ruining the mindset of the Horde who Blizzard thinks would be so eager to go right back to the genocide campaign.
She hasn’t earned any respect in my book, because her narrative has been so contrived and frustrating. If she were to die off-screen with no respect whatsoever (like Cairne was given) then I would be a happy camper. I could not care less about what Blizzard has in store for her. The sooner she’s gone from this narrative the better.
It was basically hatred and a desire for revenge, those are the classic (no relation) emotions Forsaken generally feel, that’s about it.
The level of mad doesn’t match up though. Genn had a bigger victory in SH than Saurfang would’ve by just scratching her, and she brooded about that one. Even in WC3, yeah, she’s mad about Arthas getting away, but, if I remember correctly, all she says is that she’s not going to stop trying to hunt him down. She’s not screaming at the top of her lungs or foiling herself.
To think that she could have an edge over an Old God would be incredibly stupid. Helya wasn’t on that kind of level, even Odyn got slapped around by player characters, so mucking with him wasn’t too much of a stretch. But doing something like making a deal with Azshara?
Since when is Sylvanas okay with pooling chips with a thing that’s basically a different kind of Lich King (Old Gods are the same, “destroy everything, make it mine” bit).
Her flaws don’t make sense because they don’t match up with what she’s doing. Helya made sense, both she and Sylvanas were people who were enslaved against their own wishes and made to do things they never wanted to do.
Azshara? An Old God? Where’s the angle? ‘Muh power’? To not know she’s not going to retain it from working with an OG? They’re writing her like an idiot, again.
she is also arthas 2.0.
She once cared about her people the forsaken. Then betrays them.
She invades a elven kingdom, and slaughters civilians and soldiers alike. A ranger tries to stop her using every trick she knows, then dies while watching her city burn due to her defiance. She brings an elven race to near extinction with one command of genocide. She proceeds to later have that defiant ranger raised into undeath to kill her people.
Hell, outside of the surface traits … the “Reckoning” Cinematic had far, FAR more thematic similarities to the Wrathgate than to SoO. Right down to Saurfang’s “Let it be finished” (the same words spoken by his son when he charged the Lich King).