How do you feel about Sylvanas: the bad guy?

Now that Sylvanas isn’t the warchief, do you think you can enjoy her as a villain or an Illidan type character? She has a sympathetic backstory, a cool design and power set, eats the scenery everytime she’s onscreen, and is a ruthless monster. Can you dig it?


Don’t Enjoy it but not surprised. I knew this was gonna happen ever since the burning. I don’t like it, as at the moment 3 of the horde races are leaderless, but i’m not super duper “HOW COULD YOU BLIZZARD”.

I’m more disapointed in the fact this entire patch so far seems like it could have just been a cutscene


Glad. She’s always been an evil scheming witch. This was a long time coming. Remember Gilneas, remember Wrathgate. Remember the intro for Classic WOW’s Forsaken:


i always saw her as the bad guy.

yeah, i enjoy her like that. nothing more than what she always has been.


This was a likely outcome I expected. I knew since day one Saurfang would die to Sylvanas in a duel, Horde and Alliance would be BFFs again.

I almost expected Sylvanas to spit in my face and call me a fool. But thank god she instead shown appreciation for all I have done. The moment with Nathanos was nice too.

And judging by the conversation. She probably going to be a death goddess or something.


Considering what they might be setting up for the Forsaken race as a whole I’m pretty upset. I liked it when we were angry murder zombies that Sylvanas sent at her enemies and we munched on them.

I really hope we don’t end up being “saved” by that lightforged harlot Calia now that Sylvanas is gone. Hopefully this isn’t the last instance of our choice of being a loyalist mattering. I’m still really holding out on hope that she some how takes her rightful place as leader of the Forsaken. It just really isn’t the same without her.


I’m embittered because I liked the edge the Forsaken brought to the Horde. I loathe how Blizzard seems intent on homogenizing everyone around some bland morality. Also, I wish they had given Sylvie more depth as a character–there aren’t enough genuinely amoral but serious actors on the PC’s team.

That said, Sylvanas has totally been a baddy since day 1, and it is kind of fun to see her pull out all the stops and go Tocatta and Fugue on us, even if it is a bit silly/over the top. Totally going to keep rooting for that cornball old witch to the end.


Yeah, sure. Though I’ll be surprised if she doesn’t get Kerriganed up at some point.


I’m mostly mega gloating because ever since legion beta, people told me I was wrong about Sylvanas not caring about the Horde. About Sylvanas freaking out because Delaryn burned her so hard. About her being evil to a T.

It’s nice to be wholly vindicated.


Oh Hamuul Runetotem…what were you thinking vouching for Slyvanas to join the Horde in the first place?

To what end though? That she keeps ramping up the villainy scale or that she finds redemption and kneels before the boy-king?

He was vouching for the Forsaken as a whole. Sylvanas was merely part of the package. She eventually exposed herself as not being on the Forsaken’s side ridding the Horde of her.


Hopefully now that she doesn’t have to put up even the flimsiest pretenses, they’ll let her turn that sultry camp vampyness up to 11.

I’m also kind of excited at the reveal that she’s working Azshara. She’s as big a queen of ham and mysterious plots as Sylvanas. Just imagine the two of them having a conversation and trying to out-smarm one another.



Relieved that some uncertainties are resolved.

Quite happy that the Forsaken as a people were shown to have clear loyalty to the Horde itself.

Hopeful that future Sylvanas will be portrayed in such a way that neither side of the debate look like buffoons.


Considering the loyalist ending there’s a strong chance the shadowlands leak was legitimate and by “The Horde is nothing” she just meant they’re nothing in scope to the major battle that’s coming.

Sylvanas is going down a martyr, not a villain :zipper_mouth_face:


Doubtful - less because Sylvanas is the villain and more just because I don’t find the void / light / death stories very compelling. The whole “I need to send X souls off to some entity in oblivion for unstated reasons” just isn’t very exciting regardless of who’s doing it.

Sylvanas as a villain would have worked if they’d kept her more grounded in the affairs going on in her own region / territory.


Yeah. I don’t think the addition of the forsaken sucks. Just… Sylvanas was always a traitor, and it sucks that it took us this long to oust her.


Good riddance, I say, her becoming Warchief was absolutely poisonous to the the identity of the Horde. Any longer and everything that made the Horde great would’ve been destroyed and would just be like every other fantasy monster faction ever.

Sylvanas can go pursue her obsession with death elsewhere and no longer continue to taint this faction with her self-serving agendas and her deceit.

At the very least Saurfangs’ death was NOT in vain.

Oh hey, Treng, I see you’re on your warrior again. :slight_smile:


I’m just amazed that Blizzard went for a cartoon reveal as the method for that.
‘She has so much support, how do we cleanly get the Horde off her side?’
‘Saurfang can get her angry enough to loudly proclaim how much she hates them all!’
‘Isn’t that the solution of a children’s novel?’
‘You think I read books?’


The writing was on the wall for this the moment Delaryn triggered her into committing an act of genocide. I was hoping she would grow to this ruthless anti-hero type that would incorporate the Hordes values into her own and she’d grow for the better for it. But NAAAAAAAH, WARCRIMES YAY!

If anything I’m just glad “Horde in Disarray Part Two: Electric Boogaloo” is finally over