How do you feel about Sylvanas: the bad guy?

She yelled for the Horde to manipulate the people she sees as nothing, toy soldiers in tin plate and wild animals yelling for honor?

This isn’t rocket science. Keep up.


Ayup. Doesn’t surprise me. When it comes to Sylvie, I feel like those people who claim she’s been acting OOC are those who liked her more as a concept; than the actual character she was becoming for the better part of 9 years.

So much about her was re-contextualized in “Edge of Night”, where for the first time in AGES we were given a brief window into her internal thought processes (and her relationship with her Forsaken). Everything since then … outside of her public propaganda … has such a strange hue when looked at through the context on her that short story really did provide.

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It’s kinda sad that no matter how braindead simple this is, there’s a section of the playerbase who just won’t believe their lying eyes.

Weird how you put it as “exploding her Bulwark” when she put it to Garrosh as making the Forsaken a sustainable race. Weird.

What’s weird is that she was right about it.

You mean how the Alliance saw them as KoS from Vanilla all the way until Anduin became king?

Oh, you mean the Desolate Council? Those guys that were formed to undermine her authority and get chummy with the Alliance, the very people that hunted them until a certain king came into ruling? It’s almost like you’re trying to forget the years the Alliance has KoS’d Forsaken just because one king came into power for, what, a year?

Big difference between “distance oneself” and “outright betray”.

“How poorly you treat them”? She gave them a literal city to live in. You act as if she was torturing them all in a chamber when all she did was become WC and setup shop in Org.

Flat-out incorrect as shown above. Get your facts right and get off the bandwagon.


Kind of sad it’s pretty simple to see that the character has been written to be different than she previously was within the last year.

Pretty sad that there are people so desperate to try and rewrite history to make a character seem worse throughout said history when she was much better in the past than she is now.

Pathetic, really.

They are toys and animals; they get manipulated like toys and animals by an Orc without a brain.

I see them that way too, it’s fairly simple. They’re idiots who chase “honor” carrots.


The Stockholm Syndrome is strong in this one.


Sad, honestly. She, like Garrosh, is another character who could have been the pro-Horde hero while hated by the Alliance. I guess it’s true that Alliance aren’t allowed to have NPCs who hate the Horde then it’s now also true that Horde NPCs can’t hate the Alliance.

Honestly Sylvanas has always been bad though. Experimenting on live peoples for her plague, including a tauren, in vanilla? In Wrath during the Pit of Saron when she was scoffing at guys who were pro-peace and working together. Personally I think she ordered Putress to do what he did (might find this out even if he makes an appearance in Shadowlands expac). Then going behind Garrosh’s back to plague Gilneas. Southshore. I had hopes she would make a turn around. Maybe she will yet.

But one shouldn’t let Hannibal Lector out of prison just because he helps capture Francis Dolarhyde.

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Its sort of miraculous how my interpretations where so wrong that I managed to explain her actions throughout the entire expansion, and somehow predict that she was going to betray the Horde and Forsaken since 8.0. That she was Ogmot’s Laughing Shepherd (which is an idea I’ve been hardcore championing on these subs since BfA began), Its also AMAZING that I had my ragequit moment at the beginning of Legion during Stormheim because that zone proved to me she was still very much on her personal character arc given to her in Edge of Night (and that I knew she was going to pull something like this).

Man, its truly is astonishing that I have been so wrong about how I view her character that I have repeatedly been proven correct about her character; motives; and actions over the last four years.


This was true and had been true up until BTS. Even in BFA we see it happen again with Zelling.

This is painfully true.

I thought Jaina would follow in her father’s footsteps and truly become the boogeyman that many Horde saw her as… only for her to do a 180 after the Siege of Dazar’alor for no reason whatsoever.

Christie Golden also took the time to neuter Genn Greymane vis a vis the Forsaken in BTS. Can’t have any of that toxic masculinity making Alliance think they may have some bite to go with that bark.


Yes, Zelling …

Nothing like making a lifechanging decision without the input of your wife (turning yourself into a living corpse, working with the race that has proven time and time again they are monsters); only for him to try attacking her AND HIS CHILDREN when she understandably freaked out. He shares blame in that outcome.

Difference is four years ago you were wearing a tinfoil hat.

Now you’re right because Blizzard’s out of ideas and terrible at their job.

Or, yah know, I was basing my interpretation of her actions and character based off of CANON content that many of her supposed fans continued to shove their heads in the sand and ignore (because it was inconvenient for their image of her).


Back then, hats is what you were basing it off of.

Now? It’s obvious and poorly written, partly why people are mad about it.

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Its poorly written because you don’t like it. Say what you want about the rest of BfA, but if you were viewing Sylvie’s actions based on the character she was portrayed as being in “EoN” (and her motives to thwart her own eternity given to her in that book) … then her character has been portrayed as SHOCKINGLY in character.

She is a selfish, nihilist who has been using others as tools for personal objectives since WC3 for goodness sake. She is an abuse victim who turned into an abuser herself due to the power imbalance she experienced while enslaved by Arthas. She used Garithos. She used Datheroc. The Forsaken intro OPENLY states she was doing this with the Horde. “EoN” blatantly states she’s doing this with the Forsaken. She’s done this so much in her character history that it would have been immensely OOC for her NOT to be doing that with this war.


No talking sense to 'em. They’re just mad and clinging to straws.


Yes of course. After she called him a monster and immediately rejected him. Once they’re raised into undeath those in their past no longer see them the same.

This is incorrect, and about 90% of the community is PO’d about how badly this xpac is written.

EoN came out how long ago?
Was it around the time of Cata?
Weird, almost like they’re retconning things.

< Died for her people, selfish?


Care about this why?

Again, issue is?

All the things you’re referencing have either been ret’d or Goldened, and that’s why we’re upset.

I only lament that the Horde did not perform more atrocities upon the Alliance, before it cut loose its sacrificial superficial scapegoat.

Because he is different. Because the Zelling she knew wasn’t a rotting corpse. Because the Zelling she fell in love with would never DARE attempt to lash out violently against her or their kids. Zelling made a lifechanging decision completely without her (one that even had she accepted him immediately would have changed the very foundations of their relationship) … and somehow she is in the wrong for freaking out? Like, he went back to her seemingly with the naive expectation that nothing would change … when at the very least (unless she had some hidden kinks) she’d NEVER want to be physically intimate with him again.

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