How Do You Feel about SL Cinematic?

Citation needed for this.

I believed Ner’zhul was able to control that is the thing. And after Arthas and Ner’zhul became one as the Lich King, I think that was how they made their Death Knights, using the very souls they claimed. If I’m wrong though, please share why.

Let me preface my saying that I do not intend any offense with my response, and I hope you take it in the academic spirit I intend.

  1. When I ask for a citation, I’m really asking for a pointing back to either an official source, or an unofficial source that is widely accepted as credible, which supports your assertion. In this case, your assertion was that Bolvar as the Lich King can prevent Frostmourne from consuming his soul. You did not point back to any external source that supports this assertion, but only provided more opinion. In that sense, your answer is non-responsive to my inquiry. Opinion is generally fine when discussing these matters, and its fun to speculate, but just be clear on the difference.

  2. Your second assertion, that Ner’zhul and Arthas created Death Knights by using souls from Frostmourne, does not appear to be supported by in-game events, nor did you cite any source supporting this hypothesis. Bolvar taught the Ebon Blade to make Death Knights in Legion, without any access to Frostmourne. (The player’s DK raises the new Four Horsemen, for example.) These DKs appear to me to be no different in quality from the ones Arthas raised. Further, we know that Bolvar raises allied race DKs in patch 8.3/8.3.5, also without access to Frostmourne. Therefore, in-game events suggest that Frostmourne is not required for Bolver to raise DKs, and there doesn’t seem to be any reason to believe that Arthas needed it for this purpose, either.

Now this may provide some support for your hypothesis:


"Frostmourne has the ability to drain life from its victims — and to drain the soul of anyone whom it connects to. The Lich King is capable of seeing through the eyes and hearing through the ears of anyone who wields Frostmourne; this ability cannot be stopped by any mortal means. The Lich King can communicate with the wielder at will telepathically, on any plane and at any distance. The Lich King uses this ability to try and corrupt the wielder over time. This has several effects. An individual who wields Frostmourne will not part with it willingly. Over time the person will go from good to neutral and finally to evil. A non-undead evil wielder will then become undead. Finally the sword is able to suck the being’s soul into the sword. Frostmourne then retains the memories and skills of its victim. In fact, as long as the wielder’s original body remains within one mile of Frostmourne, the sword maintains control of the body, and he may not be completely aware that his consciousness has shifted to the weapon. Beyond one mile, the sword cannot control the wielder’s body, and the wielder of course finally becomes quite aware of his current state (if he is not already). "

Does Bolvar count as the Lich King for purposes of this description? If we define the Lich King as the one who wears the Helm of Domination, then yes, he is. Except not after the Helm is removed and destroyed. (Also, it’s not clear to me that Bolvar is undead. I’m not sure what Alexstrasza’s fire did to him exactly, but I suspect we will find out in SL.)

(Disclaimer: I don’t know if WoWWiki is a credible source, but it is an external source that appears to have at least some minimal credibility over and above my opinion. I don’t cite it here to imply that it is definitive in its authority, but to use as an example.)

If we extrapolate to your oft-requested plot direction, Bolvar would need to somehow recover the Helm before Frostmourne in order to avoid its soul-stealing effect. (My gut tells me this won’t happen, but I can’t cite to anything on this point.)

Just for the record.

Wowwiki isn’t maintained well anymore, most of the people that managed/ran it moved over to wow.gamepedia quite a while back.
For older stuff it’s generally a fine source, unless something has been retconned.


That actually was a good read back there. Glad you seem to be a more reasonable person here. And yeah, I think I was going off how the Lich King can fully control Frostmourne.

But for the last part, I think repairing the Helm of Domination’s physical form would be much easier since not only was it ripped into two instead of shattering it like Frostmourne, the gem in the helmet is fully intact too. But yeah, I was thinking of truly reforging Frostmourne after the Helm of Domination was repaired. Thanks for sharing that back there also.

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No one here knows their lore and they all claim to know it better than the other. Another thread going derp mode with a few rotten brains arguing with each other on things that dont exist.

You aren’t a good troll, friend.


No trolls here, just the truth that seems to hurt you?

It would be more constructive if you pointed out specific deficiencies and corrected them rather than merely accuse people of ignorance.


And then the thread would keep going on with a reply that “No, the lore is that way, i know it better”

I think you didn’t fully read what I wrote perhaps?

A game is like the tv shows based on books… they are an adaptation of the book/lore. They arent completely the same and will modify stuff to fit more the TV show, or in this case the “game” and its mechanics.

Aside from having flagged you for a wholesomely inappropriate post, you accuse other people of not knowing what they’re talking about, but you haven’t provided any specific examples to clarify what they are wrong about, and haven’t even contributed to the discussion of lore itself. Several citations have been provided, and verifiable in-game references have been given by other posters. You haven’t provided anything. So what exactly is everyone else wrong about?


Here you go lad:

Now, if I were to do the same toxic thing as you all do, I’d be no better.

That’s not a citation or specific reference to what other posters apparently got “wrong”. That statement is just a general explanation of how you believe game stories work. The previous posters were having a very in-depth discussion about Bolvar and his the quality/validity of his role as the Lich King, as well as the nature of Frostmourne and the player characters’ journeys to the Shadowlands. A lot of subject matter was provided in these exchanges, which you seem to deny the validity of, but yet you still haven’t clarified what it is exactly that was either misinterpreted or qualifies as misinformation.



Part of Ner’zhuls soul was in Frostmourne as was it in the helm and the armor as well. Arthas was its first soul, it couldnt do anything to Mal’ganis because the Nathrezim have protected themselves from it so that their souls return to the Twisting Nether. It would seem that the creators would know how to protect themselves against it.