How do you feel about classic+ servers in addition to the classic ones?

It’s possible a classic+ server with brand new content beyond Naxx could be more popular than BFA style content.

It should be something Blizzard considers down the road.

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Classic needs to bring in the improvements made over the course of the game’s progression, + make new improvements, and progress the story via expansions (which actually expand the game instead of replacing old content) otherwise “classic” servers will be ghost towns within 1 year once the nostalgia wears off.

Mark my words.

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Just like they are ghost towns now while being out for 10 or so years lol. Yup you sure know your classic community don’t you bud.

Or they could just… you know… open up tbc servers and leave classic servers do their own thing.

Your comment lacks any meaningful content.

How so? You mind explaining to me why it doesn’t? Are you saying that vanilla servers haven’t been out for that long? Because if so that’s just a lack of knowledge on your part

Yes I’m aware what you’re referring to. Their populations are artificially inflated due to how few of them there are. And many of them are ghost towns. Especially below max level.

Not everything can be reduced to one snarky sentence. You have to take many factors into account.

In a perfect world, what I’d love to see is that when you start a toon, it’s in the zone and XPAC where it would have been when that sort of toon was first made available.

As you level into eligibility for the next XPAC, you would open it up and the world would shift to match it - a sort of zoning thing not unlike the way timeshifted Arathi Highland and Darkshore are handled now.

You could start an Orc Hunter in Classic and work up through each of the XPACs in turn, experiencing ALL the Worlds of Warcraft along the way.

I doubt I’ll try vanilla, though. I remember just how awful it was and just how much better The Burning Crusade was.

I’ve got folks in my guild now who enjoy leveling more than end-game and opening up the entirety of WoW’s history to that experience would be tremendous fun.

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Take your own advice then. They aren’t artificially inflated I would argue they are artificially hindered in terms of population because people don’t want to mess with p servers and don’t want their stuff deleted when they get pulled down. And no, low levels are not ghost towns in any of the ones I have/am playing.

Their populations have stayed stable since they came out, and especially a year after one opens the populations for sure don’t become ghost towns.

Either way, if you think they’ll be ghost towns or any of that then sure that can hold some water… but if you think it’s because the lack of ‘new systems’ and new content, well you clearly have your head so far up your rear end there really is no point in explaining the basics of vanilla fans now is there?

You seem to have decided that you have all the answers and that your perspective is the correct one. I see that reasoned and productive dialogue is not possible with you. We’ll see the state of the Classic servers a year after release. Take care. :wave:

I feel little. As long as the WOW Classic servers remain authentic, I’m good. The only thing I’d feel is disappointment if Blizzard went that route without first making BC Classic servers that were also authentic.

Oh, and those better have different forum realms, so any bozo asking for a change can be redirected quickly off the WOW Classic forum. I don’t want to see pages of players trying to tell Blizzard what things to put up for vote, complaining when the thing they want isn’t done, complaining when the thing they voted against goes live because 75%, etc.

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that’s not what they are talking about when they say classic +

It would split the playerbase. Personally I’d like to see classic+ from day 1. I am staunchly against TBC or Wrath, etc servers.

That’s exactly what I’m talking about when I say classic+

most people when they talk about classic + are talking like OSRS style stuff. not just adding content.
they want to be able to vote on stuff like flying and xmog and LFD.

but if you want your classic + go advocate for that on the general discussion forums, because frankly blizzard has already made it obvious they don’t intend to add content, or add things like flying, transmog, or take a stab at balancing.
your best bet is to ask for a whole new game.

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Whenever someone says something like this, I hear it as, “That’s not what I want this game to be!” and they are trying to use a nonexistent Blizzard stance, extrapolated from vague, noncommittal phrases to convince me, but mostly themselves that they know what will happen. My response is always the same-- to roll my eyes and continue making suggestions.

Those of us who are not trolling understand flying is antithetical to the spirit of vanilla. Other changes are more nuanced and are valid to vote on. These changes include guild banks, the scrapped BG, the Ashbringer purification quest line, and additional gear for druids and paladins. Transmog would likely be an underwhelming change because of the limited amount of models, though there is that cool rainbow sword so I could see how people could want it.

Except those are all things blizzard has actually said no to. During interviews and what not

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Nice lie, Mat. Always good to see some troll posters are honest enough to not even pretend to discuss these issues in good faith.

Literally at blizzcon they said no to balancing among others


That’s kind of petty. Flagging a post as trolling can result in a forum vacation.

You absolutely should not use flagging as a dislike button, either. I’ve seen people recommending it’s usage as such, and that is not what it’s there for.

OPs subject doesn’t really seem that weird. It’s within the scope of Classic, by asking about the idea of community voting for features.

That said:

If, if, Classic does exceptionally well, I’ll be curious if they do pursue an OSRS style community voting. I’m not sure how well it would work with WoW and it’s community, but it could be done well.

One of the big takeaways from Blizzard saying “as few changes as technically possible” is that they’re recognizing what the community wanted. They didn’t come up with that idea and say “you’ll get classic but we’re doing it our way”. They were saying “we hear you and we’re making Classic, and we’re doing it your way!”

Basically I wouldn’t read those statements they’ve made as resistance to changes, but as honoring the desires of the community. If the community changes their mind, or Blizzard wanted to try something, they may well do something.

Literally top post talks about what blizzard has confirmed.
No LFD or LFR.
No balance changes.
No flying.
No achievements or transmog

Thanks for calling me a liar and a troll though