How do you "define" your play style?

yeah, pretty much that.


What do you do then?

It’s the renown that confuses me. That is quest based. If you aren’t doing quests… what are you doing?

(Not critical. You do you. Just curious)

I updated but I’m a collector :slight_smile:

I used to do progression raiding, until Legion, Blizz was like “Hey, how about this artifact power, M+ and RNG legendaries?”


full time collector ever since

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End game! I have a normal 9 to 5 job but I’m pretty involved when I’m on when it comes to the end game aspects of WoW. I haven’t dabbed into PvP much this season since all my time has been spent on m+ and raiding but I would like to progress more in arena only if I had people to consistently play with and improve.

I’d describe my style as “Offline”, “Leisurely”, “Calm”, and “Frequently Rewarded”.


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“Whatever I’m feeling like”. My play changes depending on the xpac, which character I’m into at the moment, what’s going on in real life, and other factors. This means I’m anywhere between barely playing to autopiloting daily quests to leveling alts to binging battlegrounds to raiding.

At the moment I’m not playing much because most of my time is being soaked up by other things.

Nowadays it’s really casual stuff, mostly leveling and casual PvP. Previous expansions I basically lived inside arena/RBGs or was outside Org/SW dueling in between queues. Don’t really mog or mount farm or anything like that.

I would say my style of play is mine. I am a unique induvial and if I found someone else who was interested in the exact format of play I am I would just look in wonder.

M+ rat. I love m+, but I also raid with my guild as a “switch” roll, I can heal/dps/tank all about the same level. Bonus of playing a 16 year ole toon.

I would so I have a non-progression, non-casual play style. I don’t really chase achievements or cosmetics, but I love m+. I used to love mythic raiding, but not enough to leave my friends behind.

I’m only starting to understand that my “hard core” raiding days are so far behind me I can’t really call myself hardcore anymore. But I’m not willing to give up having a strong opinion on raiding related content. I consider heroic the “base” difficulty.

Short answer:
I consider myself an elitist because I mythic raid and I definitely in some contexts can look down on people for their progression/parses/io.

Long answer:
This is my first tier attempting to CE raid with a CE guild, and I love being ahead of the curve so to speak. Not so much anymore but as a 2 day raiding guild you can only do so much.
I mythic raid, and at least used to push higher level dungeons, lost motivation after KSM.
I hit rival which is decently high.

My playstyle is playing the same class, the same spec in every single type of gameplay outlet until I’m rank 1. Never set limits for myself, do the impossible, punch harder, kick faster, uh… Motivational speech done

raid abit
ok I’ll do torgash :sweat:

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Semi hardcore.

I can be more hardcore I just don’t see the value in being so.

I don’t play wow or have it installed.

Forum casual?

Casuals call me an elitist’s, elitist’s call me casual.
I just dont care anymore I let others decide for me.

I’m casual as hell. Haven’t even touched a raid in multiple expacs.

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My playstyle:

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I would say casual,but if by chance I do decide to raid i’ll do that. Was never hardcore.