How do you "define" your play style?

We constantly see threads about “casuals” “elitists” “raiders” “hardcore” etc…

How do you see yourself and why?
Short answer for me:
I’d consider myself a casual player because I don’t really do organized or scheduled content.

Long answer:
I typically do solo activities like farming rares for mounts, pets and toys.
I do world quests and pet battle content.
I also frequently use the automated group finder for LFR, N/H dungeons and TW.
I sometimes do random BGs for PvP.
I occasionally do M0, but really only on the weeks the dungeon quest is up.
I’ve paid for AotC and some Mythic mounts, but I’ve also pug’d some raids here and there like ToS for the Mirconax pet.
I’m not in a guild with other players, just my alts. My guild banks are just used as server wide storage.

I swapped to my druid because they were so cute. And I liked their face! Even more than Wild’s :smiley:

(That’s how I play: I do what’s cute and what makes me happy, and when I’m not happy, I stop)

I try to get some achievements, but not all of them. I did the normal raid and that was fun! I did 8 bosses on heroic and I just need to find some way to get the last two.

Terribad WQ champion altoholic scout schizoid ironically playing a social game.


I raid weekly (or I did).

Outside of raid, I’m a collector of lore, pets, xmog and mounts. I like doing professions and I like feeling like each play session got me closer to something valuable.

Semi-Hardcore Casual. :slightly_smiling_face:

No, I’m not joking. That’s probably the best way to describe my playstyle.

When I play, I play a lot but I don’t do mythic raids or any major progression. Majority of the time it’s been leveling or going for mounts or achievements.

Also my mindset in terms of playing, is that I want the most out of my class even if I’m not mythic raiding. Taking the weaker choice, just doesn’t seem fun.

So you can imagine what my biggest gripe with Shadowlands is. :neutral_face: #PullTheRipcord


I play solo these days, but I probably spend more time online then some hardcore raiders.



The inner machinations of my playstyle are an enigma.


I guess i would be somewhere between Casual and Raider.

Leaning more into Raider.


If it requires another person? Pass
If it will take up a significant amount of my time in one sitting? Pass

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Casual raid and M+ player. Extra casual mog collector. Retired mount hunter.

I’m just floating through the game without much care… I skip some stuff because I would rather not be judged by others… I don’t really care about achieving anything but don’t mind having some decent gear.

Mostly solo, no mythic and no serious PvP

Casual/semi casual.

Biggest issue for me is work and time zone. I work as a cook and we work all days and hours so I get w.e. days and times I get. Then I live in Hawaii so I’m 3 hours behind pst so it makes finding raids hard unless I pug. Even guilds is hard to raid with due to work.

Right now I play when I want.

Solo only. No desire to group. I enjoy world content. I don’t enjoy instanced content. Sadly the world content these days is very unrewarding and not particularly fun either.


I do raid (normal/heroic) but we are a one night a week raids and we never go over time.
I do keys but not high (6 is my max comfort level).
I do spend a lot of time online but most of that is spent playing the AH.
I don’t do world quests and tend to ignore the maw as I won’t do boring content.
I do torghast weekly because I want to get every legendary (and I enjoy it).

I very rarely pug. If I want to do group content 90% of the time it is with my guild.

I’m also not a very good player. I try my best but … I just kinda suck. :frowning:

I’m a bear… i do… bear thing.

“Former” Raider. Due to my chronic pain it makes it hard to stay on schedule ( Unpredictable flare ups. They suck ) So I just stick to questing, the occasional LFR. I’d do LFR more but the tier sets are often so butt freaking ugly color wise.

Used to do legion mog runs til Blizz messed that up

For now I just do mythics on occasion when I’m not busy working on an alt toon. I don’t go too high. I think the highest I’ve done so far is a 9 but I stay in the 5 - 7 range for now. Nothing to really brag about but I’m content with it.


Go with the flow.

If folks wanna do stuff, I like joining em. If folks aren’t doin’ stuff I’m just chillin’ around.

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Ultra casual megalord :+1:
The highest end content I’ve done in Shadowlands to date is normal dungeons. 0 heroics, 0 M+, 0 M0, 0 LFR+ raids, haven’t stepped foot into twisting corridors I’ve only done the “easy” one and only layer 3 or 2 I think. My highest renown character is 3, I’m not sure how that happened :thinking: By the end of SL I’ll have done heroic dungeons and that’ll be all that changes unless Blizz finds a way to force me into content. Oh and I’ll be buying last raid AotC because Blizz will FOMO mount me (though I didn’t bother last xpac :slight_smile: ).

After reading other peoples post I just want to say I’m not against group content at all. I’m just primarily a collector and it is a waste of time to raid for 3 hours and get nothing when I could farm old content for 3 hours and get a bunch of new appearances + gold to buy new toys, pets, mounts, etc.
I used to always do LFR in Cata, MoP, and WoD but they made it take longer so :man_shrugging: I’ll just wait 4 (6 now) years and solo it then.