How do you counter a mage or hunter?

I’m genuinely asking. Please don’t turn this into a hate filled garbage thread…please.

On this warrior if I get jumped in open world where I’m spending most of my playtime right now…what in the world am I supposed to be able to do if it’s a mage or hunter. I legitimately do not seem to have the kit to even touch these people. It seems a little ridiculous and I know I can basically steamroll anyone else but just looking for some tips on what to do about these two particular classes.

With the amount of cc and slows they both have even if I somehow manage to get to them and get them slowed…they just run off and glue me to the floor. I’m flasked up, got oils on, 638pvp ilvl, almost fully gemmed and enchanted…I literally just die. Outside of potions I kinda need to be hitting people to heal…i get two charges and two leaps…these two classes have a kit to deal with all of those basically built in…what am I missing? I know I’m supposed to have counter classes but this seems a little oppressive tbh.

Can a good fury warrior tell me what to do facing these two classes please I’m lost here.


1vs1 , the mage should always win assuming all CD are up.

But, use spell reflect, remember shockwave has a range, harmstring on every connect and being speced into spear help.

As far as hunters goes, my understandig is that warrior is the counter to hunter.

Warrior counter to hunter? Huh…concussive shot alone is death to me. They have three knockbacks two stuns a disengage two slows and a root. How in the world is warrior ever a counter to hunter what the heck am I not seeing here.

One thing I see warriors do it charge me and stormbolt immediately, which I then blink out of. Wait for the blink, then stormbolt. This is only good against arcane/fire. If you’re against frost, heaven help you.

If you ever want to get revenge on all the mages, just roll a marksmanship hunter. It’s the hardest class counter in the entire game. You’ll be destroying 5-6 mages per minute in battlegrounds, and laughing the whole time.


For now. We’re about to get more nerfs.

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lmao, this is so true

mages loathe hunters

hell I miss when warriors were a hard counter to rogues way back in the old days

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I think Blizzard forgot that the guideline of “Melee hits harder, Range Hits more often” by giving an excessive amount of ways to escape melee range but keeping the damage about equal. Could possibly be because they balance damage profiles around M+ runs?


I 'member popping Evasion on my rogue and being eaten alive by warriors back in the day. Also Warlock DoTs were a death sentence every time unless you had a potion or healer.


It’s your calling to try Survival haha. It’s too fun.

Definitely wait until you see the Disengage. Once you see that, you can Bladestorm to your hearts content and do a decent amount of damage to them. You’ll be immune to slows, roots, stuns, etc. in Bladestorm. (as I’m sure you already know)

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Sadly micro cc and roots/snares/slows are realllllly op. Mages are in a very good spot with mobility and being able to slow you down to the point you cant get to them as melee. Hunters are not too bad but a close 2nd. Honestly the best policy is to have a friend with you in the open world. Mage should be able to always beat a warrior right now. Both hunters and mages can get away from a fight VERY easily. Mages have some really good survivability, more so than hunters, so fighting both as a warrior is difficult.

Maybe as frost, but for fire? Nah.

Although, this is probably a bug, but fire mages owns critters.

Even if you win , your not gonna wanna keep playing imo.

What do you mean

That’s debatable haha.

Pack Leader Survival Hunters have like the best survivability… Two charges of Survival of the Fittest for a 20% damage reduction, Aspect of the Turtle for complete immunity, and Exhilaration healing for 30% maximum health and 12% maximum health over 8 seconds.

We have Den Recovery from Hero Talents, making Survival of the Fittest and Aspect of the Turtle heal you for 20% maximum health over 4 seconds (25% maximum health when used under 50% health).

Fortitude of the Bear which increases our max health by 20% for 10 sec and heals us for that amount instantly.

Feign Death, 30 second cooldown and gives us 2 seconds of 90% damage reduction…

We can clear poisons and diseases through a talent that makes Feign/Turtle clear them up on use.

Mending Bandage PvP talent too, very OP against assassination and ferals, channeled heal for 18% of our max health and instantly clears all bleeds, poisons, and diseases.

Roar of Sacrifice which makes us immune to crits for 12 seconds and transfers it to our pet.

A little niche thing we can do too is Feign Death into Camouflage (we heal for 2% max HP every second in camo, for up to a minute)

Survival Hunters are slept on.

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It’s so frustrating playing melee against that, that a win doesn’t even feel good to me


Mage is completely hopeless unless they are asleep at the keyboard.

The randomly inflated hunter defensive kit they got this expansion makes 1v1ing hunters miserable.
BM hunter just kinda out-throughputs you. Arms does a bit better cause parry is good vs pets.
Survival is just warrior but without range limitations and it can bandage off thunderous roar. It just has more tools to trade than you.
MM is the most killable hunter, but if they get out of charge range after you used leap then you’re basically done. One of the most hilariously one-sided things I’ve done on hunter is start a fight with whirling surge to dismount a warrior. They heroic leap to avoid fall damage, and you just land 30+ yards away and kill them because they have zero options.

This is such a bold reply to a guy talking about 1v1ing a mage as a warrior.

Rogues. Or just mass hard cc, so rogues.

Be protection.

I am playing ret so I have 20-30 yard range attack to keep those pests under control.
For warrior, I think it’s more about cd trading. You have double charges and double leaps, 3x root breakers with 2x bladestorm and the talent what remove all debuff in class tree.
You can try to bait them into spending more cds than you.

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Im a big fan of survival, I havent geared mine yet, and was my main a couple times. Def can live for a long time, but… man mages. The blinks and ice blocks and the ice walls and roots and snares… they survive by denying you to fight.