How do YOU cope with rejection?

Hey everyone! So, amid all the SL beta quibbles, I wanted to talk about how you deal with rejections in the academic/professional sphere of your life. The objective of this thread is for people to share their personal experiences (if you feel comfortable of course), and to hopefully learn something positive, funny, or inspirational from each other. And if not, just to have somewhere to vent where you won’t be judged or you can only write about how you deal with it instead of going into specifics. Okay? Go ham! I’ll start.

Last year I was shortlisted into an online interview for an internship at a multinational banking organization, which I passed despite feeling like I bungled some of my responses. It was my first acceptance letter in 3 months after finishing my postgrad. Shortly afterwards, I was called for a walk-in interview at one of their branches in a different country. This was to take place in a week’s time. My plane tickets were booked, and the next thing I know, three days later, I get an email saying they’d have to cancel the interview because they had no idea I wasn’t a citizen of that country. Suffice to say it took me around 2 weeks, a lot of takeouts, and a lot of huddling in blankets in a dark room to recuperate from that lol.

In fact, that’s what I do for most of the times when I’m rejected for something I was interested in. I’ll treat myself to something nice but inexpensive - could be movie tickets, spicy food, a night cream, or a frappucino. It helps get rid of the immediate negative feelings and acts as a kind of distraction till I can focus again. Which reminds me, I miss watching movies at a theater. (╥_╥)


What’s this have to do with WoW?


I think this would be great in off topic. No offense op.


You don’t get rejected when you’re not doing anything.


So this is off topic but I’ll answer. Rejection has nothing to do with you, personally. No one has to accept you and that’s okay. You can accept you. Ask their reasoning without an argument and listen to feedback. I was rejected at a lab I really wanted in and was disappointed I didn’t get in. I found myself at another wonderful lab and the first lab went belly up with a lot of harassment cases so I dodged a bullet. Find your silver lining and don’t let life drag you down :slight_smile: Good luck.


Who are you, who is so wise in the ways of the world?

lazy bum, like a greek philosopher.


Just another spec of dust on this rock, floating in a sea of a billion stars, insignificant but hopeful.

For me it’s easy.

I go for something else.

I was really pumped to get an interview for a really high end IT company in North Sydney. I’m talking like they had a place of their own on one of the most expensive areas in Sydney, training itself would be 8 months and you get to travel for your job.

I didn’t pass the technical part of the interview and my offerings outside of that were not sufficient to land me the job.

I instead had landed a job I was more assertive with the interview process - I had rejected the initial offer and then accepted the second one.

Turns out it was the best decision I made. I worked hard, was promoted and have moved up significantly since then.

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I never have any expectations so I’m never disappointed.

Well sheeeet, if only i could apply that to RL – how about you reject them back!

If I get rejected even in game first thing i do is head to my music chill out or to bed sleep always helps ,and it’s true, OP treat yourself you are worth it.

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i feel like i live in a perpetual state of rejection in a way so…yeah.

i’m numb to it now


what if its character building and oneday youll be the most wisest awesomest forsaken ever.

I don’t quit. Ever. I. Will. Not. Quit.

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I don’t cope with it very well.

I chuck a tantrum, and go ape crazy, and make sure I kick that person’s alts if they happen to have any parked in my guild, /ignore them completely, as that’s the only thing stopping me from lashing out at them.

Hope that makes some feel better if they cope badly with rejection too.

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When creatures such as Void Elves reject my attempts to show them the purity of The Light I feel sorry for them. Their total and complete embrace of the Void is a sin that will condemn them to eternal suffering.

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I don’t get rejected because I am awesome.

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I get told professionally that my work isn’t good enough and/or I am a stupid head with regularity. That’s the life. Most regularly with papers, but also grants and of course the occasional job application (though I don’t apply as much as I’m not so keep to pack up and move six states over right now).

I usually set it aside and work on other things for a while (a day, five) then get back to it, and dispassionately read through the reviews to see if the reviewers are right or just idiots (typically, some of both). I then make whatever changes are necessary and resubmit.

Rejections are part of the way peer review works, and as they are usually anonymous every once and awhile an editor slips and lets a real jerk be a jerk without filtering. You develop a thick skin quickly or you leave the life.

To tie that in to GD: some kid telling me in-game that I’m bad or not good enough for their M+ key has nothing on someone that tells me that I have written nothing of substance after spending months (or longer) on a paper. (FWIW, that paper was later published at a journal of equal quality with essentially no changes). That doesn’t mean I can’t appreciate how those are probably negative interactions that will rub a new player very wrong - part of my job is mentoring people, after all, so it is normal to think this way.

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