How do YOU cope with rejection?

It’s all geek to me. I’m rejected from 0 mythics. I get rejected by the login screen.

I fall down…go boom…get back up keep trying.


Well, think of it this way. If I get rejected from something that I truly want in life, it is likely that something doesn’t deserve anything about me in the first place.

And remember that I can still be successful without it. That is my art of conquest in life.


Keep your expectations low so you can never be disappointed. If things can always be worse than any little win will feel great.

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I cope with rejection through my two best friends:

Ben and Jerry

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I cope with rejection by posting this very question on a gaming forum website asking random people how they handle rejection. Most often the responses are, go post this topic on Facebook, or twitter, or why are you even asking random people this question and not figuring it out on your own?

Happy Friday To All!

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  1. Is this “multinational bank” really worth working for if they cannot read a basic resume or CV which should have your contact info on it including home address which would identify your country of origin?

  2. You never put your eggs into one basket. My dad always taught me to keep my resume updated and out regardless of employment status because of incidents such as this.

There’s always a questgiver who needs me in WoW, complete with a stream of little “thank you hero” affirmations.

Tbh I’m usually the one whose asked out.
and dumped because I’m too weird for them… But hey least they are happy enough too have a clown as a friend

First step is if you are struggling with any serious emotional or psychological issues…
Which this topic is. Coping is psychological .

A game forum is a horrible choice for treatment or advise.

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of course it is, which is why I was poking fun at the very notion of someone using a gaming forum for this type of thing.

All right lol, a few things.

First, this thread was not meant to address any serious psychological or emotional issues. Not sure how it jumped the bandwagon to that.

Second, I tied it up to the situation with a lot of people feeling disappointed over the SL beta invites. Clearly, in retrospect, this was neither the right forum subsection nor the right topic to even have a leisurely discussion about.

I’ll withdraw the OP since it seems to have offended some of you and put you on edge. It wasn’t my intention to trigger anybody.

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Nah not offended, was probably flagged because it was a little off-topic is all.

So it’s not really offence or anything. Tbh, I find myself drawn to these kind of threads too easily, I am meant to be talking about wow stuff, but honestly? Wow stuff is too boring right now lol sorry Blizz BFA wasn’t a great expansion. Maybe in Shadowlands will have more to say.

I flagged it since I couldn’t delete it, haha :sweat_smile:

No it’s alright, I agree that it’s off-topic, I haven’t really had a chance to explore the forums entirely, so that mistake is on me.

What I don’t understand is why Cliffwalker is so offended by it; he was the only one I had in mind when I mentioned that. And Ana, to some extent, since she somehow came to the conclusion that I was seeking treatment on these forums.

back in my days, I used to moderate a runescape fan forum, and posts like this would be moved to an appropiate forum. Alas this is not 2014 and this isn’t a thing.

That is kind of what I’m hoping for, if it would be possible for a mod to move this to the appropriate forum unless it’s not an option for flagged threads. I do wish it’s not uncomfortable enough that people would rather not talk about it at all, in which case it’s better to just delete it.

I get on my Motorcycle and get lost on a weekend. Turn on some 80s hair band and Metal and let the scenery be my escape from the world.

Riding a motorcycle, I never feel more alive than every time I sit on my bike and ride.

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I move on.

Meh you probably dont want to work for someone who would over look such a glaring detail anyway.

Dont get emotional about rejection. Pick up and move on.

I once got a job because I filled out the application in a green pen. The reviewer was so blown away by the color that I used.

People are ridiculous that’s just life.

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I’m naturally kinda pessimistic in outlook due to a garbo childhood, so rejections don’t get me down too much.

Actually hearing back from someone (whether that’s a job/date/etc) pumps me the hell up for a few days.

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You just have to move on.
Thing that are meant to be will be.
Just focus on the next step and shake it off.

I’ve been rejected my whole life but i am not going to let that stop me from trying again, get back up and start moving is the best way to just move on.

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