How do you all make gold?

Does anyone know any good, reliable ways to make gold in dragonflight other than the auction house? This expansion tends to be pretty expensive and I’m not savvy on how people are doing it nowadays. Unless people are just melting tokens for gold, which I’d prefer not to do.


The auction house is a very good way to make gold. But you can still make a fair amount soloing BFA mythic dungeons and doing the dragonriding WQs on a lot of characters.


Deathrolling in Dalaran sewers.

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That’s the neart part.

I don’t.


Rita’s right, if you’re willing and able to run an alt army through the dragon races, that’s 4k per week per character.

That’s way more work than I’m interested in, but it’s easy money.


I don’t .,

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I’ve been doing the races and its pretty easy gold but not enough if you’re trying to get things crafted without whaling away at trying to farm the mats yourself, which would take a bunch of different alts anyway

DF World Quests and Renown Events give a good amount of gold each week. Just doing them, I can make more than 10K. Multiply by alts.

Make decent month selling crafting materials on the Auction House as well.

Same here, I keep all the mats I pick up and post 'em a couple of times a week. That’s where I get most of my gold. Unfortunately, OP asked for non-AH methods for gold making.

I ask about non auction house because I want to hold onto a lot of the mats I get. I make my own consumables and want to do some crafting myself. The rousing elements get very expensive as well as the other stuff that I dont have a profession alt for



This, too, is way more work than I’m interested in.

Before the Token cry babies hit this.
The very real answer to making gold is simple.
Mining feeds Blacksmith an more importantly Gems.
Herbs feeds Alchemy I mean… pots/flasks ez money.

Overall at the start of any expansion or new raid guilds are lookin to stock up or M+ try hards. So mass selling Herbs/Ore is ur best bet early on.

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This is a stingy xpac when it comes to gold making outside the AH. Have fun!!!


that certainly wasn’t my first guess. I’m guessing its all the items you can vendor? How much do the bosses drop?

i used to just get lucky with a BoE in raid refilling my bank from time to time but it doesnt seem to be working in my favor this time around.

didnt get a single one yet. i assume they lowered the chances of getting one to inspire more token sales or something. greedy bastards :wink:

kinda does feel like the only ways to make really good money are either selling tokens on the AH or scalping the token babies on the AH

made a mil back in legion… been sitting on that basically.

I mean that rly isnt the case, people tend to forget a large portion of us have been playing this game so long. We know the market and Have stockpiled several toons with gold based off the knowledge I gave you.

Picking/selling herbs and elemental stuff…and races for extra gold. At this point, I make a token every month just from racing.