How do you access your Warband bank?

I’m trying to open it through the portal you’re given, but keep getting told it’s in use by another character. I only have it on one character.

They are disabled right now due to bugs. Wait until tuesday.


And then wait until Wednesday.


thats just it. you dont.

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Omg , its ALIENS :scream:

you don’t, its a fake feature that blizzard pretended to implement

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To make it worse, I didn’t receive the new item (from the Gadgetzan quest chain) that lets you access it remotely… >.>

Its not a toy any more, it’s a spell (check your spellbook [P], then the general tab at the top and look for “Warband Bank Distance Inhibitor”)


It’s a SPELL!

THANK YOU! Found it :slight_smile:

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I had to disable bagnon addon & reload to have the option to purchase the Warband Bank tab (1000g) . I cast the new skill “Warband Bank Distance Inhibitor” from my spell book, clicked on the portal it launched, purchased the Warband tab, then I could deposit warband items.

Mine keeps saying that I’m not near a band, so I went to the bank and it’s still giving me the same error. Is this part of the fix they are doing?