How does it decide how much to sell them for?
Several years ago, I purchase two of these tokens for 20.00 each… When I placed these tokens in the AH, they automatically scaled to the current high bidder. So you don’t set the price the AH does. I ended up selling each one of those tokens for 54K enough to buy the champion treadblade. I haven’t used the current token system.
The players, the more tokens there are the less it costs and the less tokens there are the more it costs.
So essentially, if you have people buying them a lot the price of them will increase and if people aren’t buying them through the AH but a lot of people are getting them through the store then the AH price of tokens will be low.
When you buy them it tells how much they’re currently selling for.
The game manages the price for you, which is nice because you don’t get all the annoying crap plaguing everything else in there.
Normal supply & demand.
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