Healing is horrible in dragonflight. I wouldn’t be suprise if all the healers quit. In pvp and pve lol. Getting cc’d and watching your dps just melt in 2 secs is really something special.
Healer pov- Should i trinket this nah he has every dcd he got this and he is dead, wow sik gameplay learned alot. is this a korean mmo?
If healer participation is the main issue, we have to really look at why the role isn’t attractive to the playerbase.
I messed around with Overwatch a bit and it seems like there isn’t a shortage of support / tank players. In my opinion, all the roles seemed equally fun and had an impact on the game. From my minimal experience playing healer in WoW, you can’t really carry the game as a healer in uncoordinated environments.
I would also say that there still is a significant barrier to picking a new class up in WoW. You have to gear, enchant, craft, set up binds, make macros and build muscle memory to be anywhere near competitive in arenas or shuffs.
It also feels bad to be bad in this game. Being in the top 5% then moving to a new class and role so you can get verbally abused in low MMR shuffs and LFG is miserable for the average player.
TBH, as dumb as Fistweaving is, having more similiar healing options would likely attract more DPS players to the role.
let rated pvp die in peace
Be great if the game didnt force a meta every patch i think. they would do good not making tier sets obsolete when the next tier set releases. they really should make all tier sets in an expansion be same gear score every season. let people pick whichever set they want to use.
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Why? It’d stink to have a hard power reset aside from tier.
Because having multiple tier sets actually means meaninful choice in playstyle. Having different sets allows a player to pick which they want to use and for whay citutation whether pvp, raid, m+, wolrd content etc.
Other choice like maybe you really like the 2 set of a different set and the other 2 set of another and u can mix and match and enjoy your unique playstyle.
Or my case. I hate the new set for shaman forcing me to use primordial wave, an ability i absolutely dislike too much. I would love to still have up to date gear with a bonus that i enjoy and not the new one because its the only one with up to date gear score
I tried to help them years ago, I think in Legion about a base+ component system where you choose your affixes of course with some limitations.
So they made azerite armor. 
Doing it my way you could hunt for gear components that could be repurposed across expansions. So stuff from TBC for instance could still be useful to someone in 2023.
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You can’t fix it, everyone is either better than you, washed or braindead.
There’s never anyone who is your equal, only better or worse 
Only option from here forward is solo queue. They should work on getting the queue times down.
Reduce Crit damage needs a hefty nerf across the board not just dps
Tweak sustained Damage/Healing after nerfing crit
Stop balancing pvp around pve
Homogenization used to be a HUGE concern yet here we are…warriors heal , Disc can out dps some dps specs, tanks are just an atrocity in arenas mainly
Button bloat is out of this world-needs to be heavily looked at so many things can be updated
CC used to be meaningful then it was nerfed without looking at micro cc this needs to be revisited
Add a game warden software for the love of 2023…
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Nothing, hope arenas die
Killed PvP in BC and has held back PvP since
Dogwater mode for wannabe LoL players
Something has to be done about damage and healing output. Healing in dragonflight is the worst it’s ever been in 3v3 because its just constant pve damage and you have no room to do anything but heal. At the same time so many games are often just decided by mana because someone will drop to 10% and the healer is out of cc and tops them off.
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For me the top things are to focus more on bgs instead of arenas, less focus on rated modes, more balanced damge profiles for most classes.
A lot of people play bgs, they can be enjoyed even if your class is currently not the strongest in pvp and usually balancing issues are not as obvious when there are more than 3 players on each side. Objective based gameplay instead of first blood wins also leaves more room for people to learn, fail and try again right away.
Adding more rewards to arena and pvp overall would be great but for someone that does not like rated games or arena in general this is just forcing them into a game mode they dont enjoy which leads to frustration or they will just ignore it. So it’s really mostly just adding more rewards for the people who already play arena. Nothing wrong with that of course.
The problem with too few players should imo be approached from the angle of why are people not wanting to queue rather than just smacking in extra rewards and not trying to make the gameplay better.
The current damage profiles for almost all classes are currently way too spiky when cds and modifiers are stacked.
This leads to gameplay where outside of major mistakes or very bad gameplay from one side. No one will be under threat of dying unless major cds are used in addition to CC. So the whole game just revolves around stacking cds and watching timers to make sure they are used when they cant be countered by defensives.
This also means that damage outside of cds feels un impactful most of the time as its pretty much instantly healed up. Waiting for cds and the whole “our go” “their go” is a major turn of for me personally. It’s unlikely to change though mostly due to pve.
Again this is not as big of an issue in bgs before getting into a higher rbg ratings.
This is another reason why i think focusing less on rated arenas and more on bg gameplay would attract more players overall to the pvp side of wow.
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You cant save it and its lost it’s allure.
They made sure of that by trying to incorporate solo q options that you find in strategy games and fps.
Now by slowly removing incentives by having a small advantage or being able to use pvp gear in pve they are making it very vanilla and user friendly for people to just “hop in and have fun.”
Part of the fun of pvp was pve lending to pvp or pvp lending to pve.
You’d grind for some awesome gear that really excited you to get so you could go stomp some newbs in the bg’s or arena.
Your hard work and grind was rewarded and there was incentive.
That is long gone.
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So much these.
Everyone has self healing even pure DPS classes and as a result, healers are expected to DPS and DPS a lot. There is a place for DPS as a healer, but when I play healer I want to heal not DPS. I have my DPS toons for that. Dampening needs to be reworked and rethought out because it’s also no fun for my heals to be meaningless at X times into the match.
Melee having 100% uptime is boring. It used to take skill to create/close gaps, now some don’t even try and just PvE in your face. As a caster having to rely on instant cast is horrible. I play a caster because I want to get a cast off and have it feel rewarding. It doesn’t now because of see #1 and because all my damage is in CDs with instants to compensate for melee 100% uptime.
I would add a 3rd thing, everything doing AoE/cleave. This used to be a niche, but now everyone does it because of M+. I think they should create M+ talents that make everything cleaves/AoE and have power into CDs with CDR that is used only in M+.
If they did that they could remove the spell modifications in the talent trees, give damage baseline to abilities, give everyone less self healing, make casters cast again, melee have skill with uptime again, and improve the game overall.
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