How do we save retail pvp?

I spent several hours doing rss on my lock, got 1630ish and was staring at a 45 minute queue and went “nope.”

Not doing 10 hours of sit and queue to get 5 rating on a win atm


Overhaul crowd control so there are less micro ccs. People want to play their characters. Solve further problems from there like dampening etc, but start with micro CC


PvP is important and is definitely NOT a sidegame.
Here’s how to fix WoW PvP in 2023, just a few ideas:

  1. Slow the game down, this isn’t Overwatch - but it’s worse, because instead of skill headshots we have lucky crits, that…

  2. … Creep over from PvE balancing designed to chip away at raid bosses with trillions of health. We need much harsher PvP modifiers. Abilities should never oneshot players, or frankly take over a certain percetange of their health… but what would that amount be?

  3. Reduce every ability in the game that does not have a cast bar by 33% as a start. The game would instantly feel better for everyone and much more skillful… Casts can be nerfed by half the instant-cast amount to start.

  4. Speaking of skill, the CC nerfs should be entirely retracted and reverted. Why they were necessary all of a sudden after 9 expansions indicate deeper problems.

  5. Aside nerfing the insane stream of power rewarded for PvE gameplay in PvP, how about looking back at every un/pruning since MoP and seeing exactly in what cases mobility and utility imbalanced were formed, and fixing those to create more balanced gameplay?

  6. The idea that it’s impossible to balance specs without keeping them unique is absurd. They can be complimentary, or have counters, but they should all be numerically and mechanically checked profoundly and regularly to ensure there are no shenanigans.

  7. Nerf pets and NPC units altogether. I say Max 1 per spec, they shouldn’t deal more than 1% of a player’s HP DPS if out of LoS, nor should they be able to CC, nullify or do anything crazy. These can be immortal if they are implemented properly. Maybe they’re dazed if brought to low HP and return to the fight after a few seconds.

  8. Bonus idea - shorter DoTs and effects in PvP. The most weight should be on ability presses and the trifecta that makes WoW PvP unique - CCs, CDs, and DRs. The game should be active, skillful and fun.



we’re getting freaking AI dungeons, I refuse to believe they can’t balance PVP


People have been calling for AI in Rated PvP. Really…
it’s like looking for bandaids to put all over the place except on where the sore actually is.

Way way way more rewards. Cosmetics, world pvp events that are actually worth doing, mounts, PvP titles, transmog sets etc, toys that only work in PvP. Mist of Pandaria Timeless isle had NONSTOP PvP all day. That was the biggest PvP success I can remember and the most fun I ever had so much I spent hours and hours every day on Timeless isle doing Wpvp. There were funny buffs and toys that only worked on the isle was so fun.


WoW is an MMO.

The further PvP gets from an efficiency game the sweatier it gets.

“people have to die” some dev said in shadowlands (I think) and ever since then burst CDs are out of control. Healers get buffed to handle the insane burst, then burst gets buffed again. In what should be an efficiency game it feels like I’m constantly just ping ponging health bars, sometimes rounds end in seconds. Other times it’s a mana fight because somehow both healers keep up, but I’m not being efficient, just giving my most powerful healing rotation to keep people up.

The pacing of PvP compared to any other form of playing the game is completely different.

Often times sustain damage doesn’t matter. CC, pop burst, live until next go. rinse repeat.

It’s weird but even PvP has to contain some PvE if we want to include a greater variety of players.

Dumb it down. Maybe address CC and DR. Like a more noob friendly system would be "If you sit any CC there is 50% DR (for any CC) for however long you were CC’d (5 sec CC=5 sec DR). I think this would address a lot of what people hate about PvP which is long CC chains.

It’s not perfect and honestly the only way to include new players is to “ruin” the game for those of us that have played and loved it in it’s current for for many many years.


You save retail pvp by focusing on battlegrounds and BG Blitz as the main focus for balance and ignore arena. I’m not saying to delete arena. Just don’t waste dev resources trying to balance both forms of pvp. They are so different in playstyle it’s almost impossible to balance both.

And I’m not sure how to save wpvp because there are too many outside variables that can make an enemy almost impossible to kill. I don’t want to have to get some weird world buffs or do some odd quests for a buff just so I can pound everyone around me easily. That’s not fun to do and it’s not fun being on the receiving end of it. Just give us wpvp without all the extra variables.

Oh, and stealther classes make wpvp miserable. It’s one of the main reasons open world pvp games with stealthers always devolves into everyone having a stealther alt which inevitably destroys the pvp scene in the long run.

Once I’m done with my daily and weekly wpvp quests, I’m 100% done with wpvp


ONE way to save pvp, is the Honesty, and Integrity of the game.

It will never be balanced, not in 17 years, that is not the issue. I am more referring to all of the RMT sales, monetization of PvP rewards. Even Solo is NOT Solo, its random players vs premade groups farming them for their rating, given to their customers. Basically forcing a GLAD tax onto the player base, while farming them also spamming advertisements… They steal from you in game, and try to steal your money outside the game.

WoW has an Integrity issue, if players are not getting a fair deal, if they feel the game is rigged they QUIT, and this harms the game for all of us. Blizzard needs to act, to do something! anything!


If I didnt have to lvl from lvl 1 id play a few more char and hours per week. They need to remove the paying boosts and give em
For free

Reverse what ever they did from bfa to shadowlands. Que times for lowbies were 3 mins in bfa at 2am lol. I was like man i can pvp all nite wow! Then 5 months later sl hits and pvp dies.

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1000 players is alot of people tho if you really think about it

200k a year in subs

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I’ve asked for AI healers in shuffle. I think 30+ minute waits for DPS is unacceptable and blizzard needs to start doing something

I agree with your premise, but turning away from the player agency focus of rated PvP would be a huge mistake. We need to incentivize and maybe buff healers, not replace them…

Think about it, why do healers suddenly feel powerless after 9 expansions? The answer is superficial, damage levels, but the solutions should start from the core design of the game if hotfixes and power swings can’t solve it. This is a serious power creep situation. DPS shouldn’t be putting out pressure that must be last-resort-reacted to ALL the time, only during burst windows set up skillfully with CC. Again, WoW PvP was more like Chess rather than like Overwatch, but it’s been becoming more like the latter as time went on.

I don’t know when you started playing, but generally if you completely change how a game works over time, many of the more veteran players are going to lose the incentive to play it.

The game is still pretty far from its glory days. You have to understand that the current lore team is not bringing rated players to the game. Well… that’s been “fixed” since Metzen is lead again for the lore / narrative department.

But IP is the big seller for every product and this one is no different. When the game turns around and actually makes something engaging for the 15-35 year old male PC gamer market you’ll see some flow back. A huge testosterone injection is what’s needed here.

There are still class and spec issues to work out. Barring any significant reworks I don’t believe TWW will help here. Every time they introduce new abilities it bricks balance.

So expect more of the same with TWW. I’m not seeing sub 10 minute queues for anything rated now or through TWW.


This is true. The vibe of Dragonflight’s character development and storylines are not geared towards the core audience of the game…which is male gamers. World of Therapycraft. Not the sole reason for the declining participation, but it certainly doesn’t help. Some of the dialogue in this expansion just makes me cringe and gag a little.

I’m really hoping Metzen has been given enough power over the franchise to eliminate this problem. The people currently in charge of storyline, quests, and dialogue have no business being anywhere near the Warcraft IP. They shouldn’t even be allowed in the building.


Soloq is a cesspool or bad players that legit killed 3s participation

What they should’ve done is just create more exclusive rewards in 3s aside from a few garbage mogs, a glad mount and a r1 title every season

There should be more prestigious rewards between glad and r1 seeing as how easy it is to get glad now

Add more unique mounts, maybe do what other games do add stuff that lets others see your rating most ppl like the ability to showcase their achievements (for instance on league you can see ppls ranks based on their player border/on overwatch you literally have icons corresponding to your rank/on halo 3 you’re given rank icons related to your rank from 1-50); they could add specialized nameplates or some kind of medal next to your name based on your xp/cr

There’s literally so much stuff they could do to incentivize players to be more competitive and want to do 3s

Instead they just wanna give out participation trophies every season to bad players after inflating mmr by 1k 8 months into a season

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Give healers double the flight stones and crests and make them account wide.


Give healers a priority alt system. Eg the more rounds they play as healer the faster queues they get on their alts.

How many of those are alts?

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