How do we save retail pvp?

Solo shuffle had the right idea by making pvp accessible to almost anyone.
If RSS dps que times were 2-5 minutes it would be great, but they aren’t.

3v3 participation is at an all time low, after 2 weeks there’s only like 200 players above 2k rating… 1000 players above 1800. This mode is dead, its like a small indy game or super early access game’s numbers.

What needs to happen before competitive arenas as we know them are no more?
Theres more activity on the wotlk arena leaderboards, very sad.


I’m looking forward to something else besides 3v3 being a solo queue option.


RSS looked quite promising in Season 1…
They dropped the ball and never added/changed anything to make it better overall… just kind of let it ride… not sure why.


could be that its a holiday currently, or it could be that the vast majority of players see no benefit to playing early on when it is substantially harder to get their seasonal goals. the system currently promotes sitting and waiting with delayed mmr inflation. if they uncap mmr and institute decay instead, we’d have a healthier ladder


It does not appear that mmr inflation is delayed this season. people 2400+ week 1.

The deflation is directly linked to the amount of players playing, not because of a hard mmr cap.

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yes, there are people at 2400…but that still doesnt change the fact that it is objectively easier to sit and wait till later in the season to get what you want, and that will always push the casual base (which the system does need to be healthy) away from playing until much later.


free gear on vendor


:clown_face: nice try

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Most gamers don’t like Arena and never have

It’s not worth trying to make the centerpiece of PvP

Additionally, most gamers will never try WoW PvP in any capacity because of the sub fee, time it takes to level a character, and the steep learning curve to even adequately grasp what is going on in max level PvP.

Most MOBAs and FPS games have a low learning floor, one time fee, no starting fee, and/or low barriers to entry. Games like League/COD/Overwatch have 1-5 abilities and little customization. WoW specs can have like 20+ keybinds and a large variety of customization.

Ideally, leveling BGs would be a good introduction to PvP, but they’re so unbalanced, they probably just turn most new players off


that is MO for blizz, add a new feature in an exp and then never touch it again


honestly feel this is a problem

if q times weren’t 1h for rss retail pvp would be thriving too


Am I supposed to no life the game during a busy holiday season?

Bet all of the people crying haven’t bothered rolling a healer (the only issue with q times)


Low level BGs is just Marksmanship Hunters min maxing all stats and 1 shotting everyone. There’s literally no way around it. When MM is getting like 42 kills a game and the next class in like is getting 4, there’s something wrong


Many like myself are just in it for the 1800s moggies then done for the season. I think the huge lack of player participation is because the 3rd party cheating RMT win traders took over the low cr brackets boosting accounts, selling ALL pvp rewards…

No one wants to be power farmed at low ratings in premades, by multiglad skilled players working their full time job selling RMT pvp rewards.


They just gonna tell you it’s not happening.


Some defend it because they love their seasonal rmt boost, and others because its their full time job and income, selling in game ratings. So they kinda dont have a choice…

If Blizzard ever gets involved it will be shut down, RMT folks stand to lose a TON of cash, oh no they dont want players talking about that lol.


there actually is… between 2s 3s 5s there is more activity than 3v3, the only competetive bracket in retail, RSS aside.

old warmane tricks, I believe you =D

i think things need to be turned on their head in order to increase participation

pvp just isn’t fun for a new player no matter how many incentives you put into it

to even be a wow arena player you have to go through so many mental bottlenecks. Leveling, learning your class and spec, getting hazed by full conquest DHs dks and warriors in Bgs wearing gnome costumes named ‘gapingbutwhole’, having to learn how arena works and how every other class and your own works in arena on top of having to find two other players who play classes viable with yours with goals similar to yours to play with.

getting into arena right now as a new player is basically repeatedly getting kicked in the balls and then the end result is still just getting kicked in the balls until you can’t take it anymore. people are leaving faster than they’re coming in and the pvp community is becoming more and more refined into only diehards who have been playing for 10+ years which makes the barrier of entry even worse for a new player

Things are just decaying and I think at this point there isn’t really a way to fix it other than a massive overhaul to influence growth instead of catering to the same people they have been for the last 15 years unsuccessfully


RSS 5v5. Madness