How do we save retail pvp?

i feel like we need more than just a silly game mode, everything needs to change, bgs, arenas, pvp, gearing.

wow has just been coasting off its major success in wotlk with occasional upwards trends in periods like mop and legion but other than that its just hemorrhaging players nonstop

at this point idk if its really even better to save it or just let it play out until it dies in peace


fixed for you my older friend

its already dead… 90% of streamers playing classic instead… lol

Surprised there was 0 announcement for anything interesting in pvp at blizzcon… other than them making some new BGs… woo hoo

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i am sorry little one, i must show you the truth


Ah, the feeble attempt to shield oneself from the harsh realities of existence with mere images.


Everything you said, is truth!!

What about not having 30 keybinds.


roll DH? lol, ya thats not very accessible for new players either, but would the game even be fun with 10 keybinds? I guess D4 pvp is pretty fun… but theres no ranked.

Big streamers made videos about wow having game Bloat… They also break down in detail how the barrier to entry into wow is way to massive for new players.

Wow is doomed to attrition, doomed to join the other lost MMOs if they dont change.

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I guess the only possible thing they could do to make the game more noob friendly is to bake some abilities into main abilities to reduce button bloat, and maybe change haste to not lower the GCD so people have more time to react. and REMOVE/limit addons.
(Have you ever tried to play arena with no sound? it is AWFUL)

Could you imagine doing arenas with less than Classic TBC keybinds? it would be pretty boring imo. WOTLK is when the game started to speed up some, and anything past Wrath is where I would say it is probably too hard for a new player to grasp pvp without months and months of dedication.

I agree with ya, my question is will a new player that has just tried wow for the first time, will they go through the trouble? Level for weeks and learn the game orr opt for something faster, more flashy and fun.

if this game cant bring in new people then it is dead… Blizz doing a good job of running off its current player pop.

It’s been a week and like 2 days. No use in grinding games out if you just cap vault and hope for tier. No tier? That sucks some random player got his and steam rolling people.

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I agree with getting rid of ability bloat and keybinds. You want increased participation? Console players. PC makes up the smallest portion of gaming. If WoW could be played reliably on a controller the population overall would skyrocket.

Also…Rated Solo Battleground Blitz.

Also get rid of these crappy pve tier sets in pvp


Absolutely correct, regardless of what any of us think the game better evolve with the times to bring in new players. Or it will join Runescape, everquest and and other forgotten titles.


If only there was some way, some possibility, of queing the 3v3 bracket solo so you would both decrease que times and increase 3v3 participation.

It’s a shame the technology doesn’t currently exist. We need Jah Rule to stop planning the next fyre festival and help. Help me Jah Rule.


ya… even as an experienced player,

woulda loved to try some S1 rsham,

but after you spend 60+ hours leveling, getting dunked on with no gear, only for the class to be nerfed into the ground tus making it unplayable for 8+ months. ya you can see…

just really just dont vibe with your typical pvp player nowadays

leveling and gearing on top of having to learn class + keybind spells + setup addons is really just pretty insane at at this point.

This was discussed alot in legion/bfa, alot of people wanted just an option to q solo/duo/tro into the normal 3s bracket, with a q as team option when you finally find a good team/comp you vibe

but to many people were like wahh mah comp
wahh mah voice
so they elected for the most isolating option possible in solo shuffle, which doesn’t really encourage people to find their regular 3s team

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then you need to socialize, and find peoples whos egos aren’t so inflated that if you lose one game you must leave, then people who aren’t scared to voice


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Release it now.


Soft remove healers just like tanks, rebalance the gamemode entirely around DPS self sufficiency.

Theres the thread you are welcome.


Thats an idea I never thought of but I actually love a lot. Ofc it would require blizzard to give a damn and balance for it, but thats a great segway to get people more gradually adjusted to PvP combat.

Make random BGs possibly the fastest way to level up under the assumption you are winning, and on losses give about as much as a completed dungeon.

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