Have a current situation in which a player continues to go onto my posts, and continues to stalk my post history. They continue to troll, use out of context previous replies, and genuinely do everything they can to ruin my post. Can a forum mod please intervene? I continue to report this person with no resolve.
Edit: I have tried reaching out to support, and they denied contact with forum moderators, and denied responsibility for the forums. .
if you think someone is trolling or violating the rules, use the reporting function of the forums. The SFAs here don’t really cross moderate.
As for players using you post history, not much you can do about it. You can make your profile invisible if you want. Trying to remember how to do it.
edit: found it. Got to your character icon on the top right of the website, click it and look for the gear icon. Your profile will come up, look for interface and check the box “Hide my public profile and presence features”. At least it would make profile shamers have to work for it.
If you believe a post violates policy, Taves, the best option is to report it. Our forum moderators will review it and if they agree, they’ll take appropriate action based on our policies. It sounds like they are not taking the action that you desire and thus the request to speak with them directly. I’m sorry, but that is not really an option.
Keep in mind, that while a thread may be created by you, every active member of the community in good standing has the right to post in it, assuming they abide by our policies.
Reading through one of your more recent threads, it doesn’t feel that you are on firm ground here. You dismissed a player’s opinion because they are Horde, you called a player names in another, and seem to have used multiple alts to like your initial post. If I were to moderate the thread it could easily fall under trolling. I don’t mean to call you out, merely put things into perspective. The community forums belong to the community, and that community has a wide and varied opinion. You are going to get folks who feel the same and others who are just as passionately disagree with you. Focus on the subject, not the posters.
What their faction is doesn’t negate their opinion and regardless if you agree or not, they have the right to post it.
Name calling is never justified.
It is the user that chooses one thread over another. Regardless, that behavior is still a form of sock puppeting.
Please. Looking up your posting and history isn’t stalking. Most regular forum goers who noticed the outrageous number of likes in such a short period of time would call it out.
I’m not defending anyone, I’m trying to put things into perceptive.
The only thing out of touch is perception, if you would have made the same post 8 years ago I would have given you the same advice.
Again, with the name calling. Not that fanboy is a negative, but you are treating as such. I think we’re done here.