When I get to that point I typically just put the game away for a bit, so something else, and come back to it later. Although that something else can translate into me making a post on here while I’m too heated, which has led to me eating crow on more than one occasion. Most of the time however I just watch a movie, some YT, do some chores, or play a game on my switch a bit. (Sometimes I have a bit too much fun building death machines in TotK…)
If I’m frustrated enough, I might voice my frustrations in the form of an f bomb or two, but only to myself from behind the screen, but by then I realize I should probably walk away from whatever I’m playing for a bit, so that is what I do. Life’s too short to get mad and stay mad at a video game of all things. That’s why I play games like Elden Ring in relatively short doses. Maybe an hour or two and then I’ll take a break.
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The only time I rage is when I hit Dragonrage on my Evoker or when I play fury on Warrior where being enraged is the primary mechanic of the spec, though I usually just play Arms instead.
If you mean raging outside the game because of things in the game? I don’t.
I only rage in pvp and swear in english or french. If it’s a random BG then I leave.
F-bombs. Sometimes cluster F-bombs.
I usually throw my hands up and yell expletives. It’s less about players and more about my isp throttling my internet toward the end of the month
I do push ups. My arms are like steel and my chest feels like solid rock. Send help.
Sometimes I say naughty things. Sometimes I say REALLY naughty things. But only to vent.
Nobody hears me, anyway. No harm no foul.
The most I do is f-bombs. Never really “raged” at a computer came.
I would expect a warrior player to be an expert on that.
I invent my own curse words.
And then I drop it and move on with my day because “raging” about games is pointless. Being annoyed is entirely warranted at times and being expletive about that for sure. But actual “raging at games in rage” is not something I do.
I reserve my anger for folks that genuinely deserve it. But it does get funny at times because folks keep thinking I’m angry on these forums when I’m at most annoyed at folks who are stupid, and it is a similar vein like that I apply to games.
I channel my inner Samuel L. Jackson and the let the words flow.
If I rage at all, which is very rare, it’s usually because I keep dying over something stupid, either me being dumb, or a dumb thing that keeps killing me because I’m too weak, or…probably me being dumb and not taking my time. When that happens, I usually let the Fs and MFs fly, sometimes with added words, with an occasional desk slap that I sometimes momentarily regret as my hand stings a bit. That’s about it though, I don’t usually anger that easily while playing this game.
I just throw my hands up and quit whatever I’m doing. Haha oh and say “Done!”
I always say that when I’m mad.
Generally I throw my arms into the air while shrieking like a howler monkey and crab walk out of the computer room into whatever room my wife is in while she shakes her head and wonders why she ever thought marrying me was a good idea.
I said a bad word today out loud in a little squeak when I died at sub-10% tonight on awakened Raszageth. Thankfully my group cleared it!
I just exhale angrily lol.
If things are going very bad, I’ll just quit, but that’s rare and only if it’s not gonna result in a penalty.